Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1979, Qupperneq 87

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1979, Qupperneq 87
TRAITS IN ICEL. TOELTER HORSES I. 85 Statistical Analyses In the first analyses it was intended to estimate the magnitude of some of the en- vironmental effects accounted for in the records. The data were obviously not ort- hogonal and the method of fitting con- stants by least-squares analyses, was ther- efore assumed to be an efficient way of estimating the environmental effects and correction factors. The following model was used in the first run. (1) Yijklmn = /U+Ai+bj+Ck+dl+gm+eijklmn where: Y ijklmn = the nth observation within the ith sire, jth age class, kth sex, lth year of show and mth district of origin M = least-squares mean A; = the effect of the ith sire (i = 1 . . . s) bi = the effect of the jth sex (j = 1, 2, 3; stallion, mare, gelding) ck = the effect of the kth age class (j = 1 ... 10; age of (^4) —(>13) years) di= the effect of the lth year of show (1 = 1 ... 15; 1962-1976) gm = the effect of the mth district of origin (m = 1 ... 12) eijkimn = random element; assumed to be NID (0,<$2e) The effect of the sires is considered to be random and all other effects (except e) are considered to be fixed. Effect of interacti- ons is assumed to be negligible. This model fits to the mixed model of type II as described by Harvey (1972b). The Least-squares and Maximum Like- lihood General Purpose Program of Har- vey (LSMLMM) was used to carry out the calculations. For detailed description of the procedure see Harvey (1960, 1972a and b). As the number of records exceeded the number of individuals involved, the model (1) above is, however, not strictly correct. Some of the animals were judged more than once. Therefore the individuals are to some extent nested within sires, sexes and districts. But in order to avoid over- complicating the model this was assumed acceptable for the purpose of estimating adjusting factors for the sex, age, district and year effect, and one may bejustified in believing that the least squares estimates are unbiased. On the other hand the res- idual mean square might be slightly bias- ed upwards, and therefore not an exact term for testing. Before a statistical analyses, which was aimed at estimating the genetic paramet- ers, was carried out the data were adjusted according to the result of the first run for the effects of sex and age. The following model was used in the next runs. (2) Yijin = /r+Ai+Iíj+di+eijin where: Yijin = the nth observation, adjusted for sex and age, of the jth individual having the ith sire and judged in the lth year. Lj = the effect of the jth progeny of the ith sire eijin = random element; assumed to be NID (o, ó2e) As to the other symbols, see model (1). Model (2) fits to Mixed Model IV as described by Harvey (1972b). The eq- uation u + Ai+Lj was absorbed, and the analyses of variance and covariance had the following form. Analyses of Variance and Covariance As the analyses using this model were
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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