Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1979, Qupperneq 104

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1979, Qupperneq 104
102 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR ÍSLENZKT YFIRLIT. Rannsókn á eiginleikum íslengka hestsins. ÞORVALDUR ÁRNASON, II. Kynbótaeinkunn. Á grundvelli niðurstaðna arfgengis og fylgnisreikninga, sem lýst var í fyrri grein þessa greinarflokks, var reiknuð kynbót- aeinkunn fyrir einstaklingsúrval. Hlut- fallslegt mikilvægi einstakra eiginleika var fengið með því að nota margfeldisvægi dómstiga kynbótahrossa. Kynbótaeink- unLÍn er þá þannig: I = 0.481X1 + 0.102X2 + 0.596X3 + 0.589X4 + O+6IX5 + 0.762X6 + REFERENCES — HEIMILDARRIT: Árnason, Þorvaldur, 1976: Studies on traits in the Icelandic riding ponies. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Arnason, Þorvaldur, 1979: Studies on traits in the Icelandic toelter horses. I. Estimation of some environmental effects and genetic parameters. J.Agr. Res. Icel. Vol. 11,1—2:81—92. Becker, W.A., 1975: Manual of quantitative genet- ics. Students Book Corporation, N.E. 700 That- una, Pullman, Washington. Cunningham, E.P., 1969: The relative eflficiencies of selection indexes. Acta Agric. scand. 19: 45-48. Falconer, D.S., 1960: Introduction to quantitative genetics. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh. Graybill, F.A., 1961: An introduction to linear stat- istical models. Vol. 1, McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc., New York. Harris, D.L., 1963: The influence of errors of par- ameter estimation upon index selection. In Stat- istical Genetics and Plant Breeding. (ed. W.D. Hanson and H.F. Robinson) p. 491-500. Publ. 982, National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Harris, D.L., 1964: Expected and predicted progress from index selection involving estimates of pop- ulation parameters. Biometrics, 20: 46—72. 0.199X7 - 0.163X8 - 0.055X9 - 0.539X10 þar sem Xi ... Xio eru einkunnir fyrir eiginleika dómstigans í réttri röð. Leitast var við að reikna kynbótaeink- unnir fyrir úrval byggt á afkvæmadómum með misstórum afkvæmahópum, en niðurstöður urðu sýnilega afar brenglað- ar. Ástæða þess reyndist sú að erfða fer- vika/samvika fylkið var ekki jákvætt af- markað („positive definite“), sem leiddi af sér tilraunir til andhverfunar á ,,singular“ fylkjum sem engar einstakar andhverfur hafa. Stungið var upp á leið til lausnar slíkra vandamála. Hazel, L.N., 1943: The genetic basis for cunstruct- ing selection indexes. Genetics, 28: 476-490. Hazel, L.N. and Lush, J.L. 1942: The efficiency of three methods of selection. J. Hered., 33: 393-399. Henderson, C.R., 1963: Selection indexes and expec- ted genetic advance. In Statistical Genetics and Plant Breeding. (ed. W.D. Hanson and H.F. Robinson), p. 141-163, Publ. 982, National Ac- ademy ofSciences- National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Hill, W.G. and Thomþson, R., 1978: Probabilities of non-positive definite between-group or genetic covariance matrices. Biometrics, 34: 429-439. Mao, I.L., 1971: The effect ofparameter estimation errors on the efficiency of index selection and on the accuracy of genetic gain prediction. Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Pig Industry Develoþment Authority, 1965: Combined Tesing. Recommendations by the Statistics Sec- tion for the Selection Index. (Mimeograph) DA 188. Pig Industry Development Authority, London. Smith, F.H., 1936: A discriminant function for plant selection. Ann. of Eugenics. 7: 240-250. IVilliams, J.S., 1962: The evaluation of a selection index. Biometrics, 18: 375-393.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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