Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1936, Síða 185
9. Cancer (cf. tables V and VI).
1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 193fi
Number of Patients ............ 114 131 85 92 66 71 103 87 73 82
Deaths .......................... 124 131 145 106 120 133 125 141 147 140
In addition to the monthly report froni district medical officers,
on tvhich the above survey is based, medical officers in all districts,
with the exception of three, one of them the capital, have made out a
Iist showing the incidence of maligant tumors during the year. Ac-
cording to these tables there are 107 cancer patients, besides 7 suffer-
ing from sarcoma. On page 55 these malignat tumors are classi-
fied according to location. Notification of cancer patients is still verv
defective, as may be seen from the fact, that the number of registered
deaths from cancer is greater than the number of notified cases.
10. School-Inspection. In Iceland an obligatory medical examination
of all school-children takes place at the beginning of each session,
especially with regard to tuberculosis. At the same time the sanitary
condition of the schools is inspected and all matters bearing upon
the health of tlie children are looked into. The inspection is under-
taken by the district medical officers. In Reykjavik, however, there
are speciat school medical officers. Table IX shows the result of
school inspection in the whole country comprising 12719 children.
11. Maternity (see tables XI—XIII). The total number of births
in 1936: was: 2557 born alive and 51 stillborn, or 19,6%c of the total
Deaths from accidents of childbirth and puerperal sepsis during
the jjreceding years have been as follows:
1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936
Accidents of Childbirth .......... 8 7 10 4 6 7 4 6 7 3
Puerperal Sepsis ................. 3 3 1 5 3 1 3 2 3 1
Total Number of Deaths .......... 11 10 11 9 9 8 7 8 10 4
The death rate 1936 is 1,6 per 1000 children born alive. The distri-
bution of accidents of childbirth is as follows: ectopic gestation 1,
puerperal haemorrhage 1, other accidents of childbirth 1.
12. Artificial abortion (se table XII).
During the year 32 artificial abortions took place under the Birth
Control Act, which came into operation in 1935 (in May—December
of the preceding year there had been 26). In 7 out of these 32 cases
social as well as health indications had been taken into consideration.
13. Care of infants. Infant mortality is on the whole very low in
Iceland, this year 46,9%c the lowest on record 42,3%0 (1933).
The care of infants may be said to be fairly good and a great
majority of the children are breast-fed. The midwives have made out
a report (table XII) concerning 2468 infants born during the year
(out of 2557 hirths). In 2381 cases the nutrition of the infants after
birth is reported as follows (Reykjavík figures in brackets):