Studia Islandica - 01.06.1960, Page 51
1. Speculum, XXVIII (1953), 254—278.
2. S/, IV, 30.
3. Gottskálk biskup Nikulásson og Jón lögmaður Sigmundsson,
in Safn, Sec. Ser., I, 242—246.
4. He succeeded his uncle, Bishop Ólafur Rögnvaldsson (1459—
1495), being elected by the clergy of the diocese in 1496. He went
abroad in 1497, was consecrated in 1498 and returned to Iceland
in 1499.
5. The dispute between the two lasted throughout the bishop’s
lifetime and its repercussions were felt as late as the seventeenth
century. It is thoroughly examined in Safn, Sec. Ser., I, 5—250.
6. Moröbréfabœklingar Guöbrands biskups Þorlákssonar,
Reykjavík, 1902—1906, pp. 42—43: “Hvað þetta hefir verið fyrir
rykti veit ég ekki, nema líklegt er að, fyrst það Jón Sigmundsson
hafði svo miskunnarlaust verið dæmdur í bann og forboð og mátti
hvorki hafa svefn né samneyti við aðra menn, ekki hjá konu né
börnum, ekki í kirkju ganga, né kristinna manna samkundu, þá
hefir Jón frá sagt, hversu heilaglega hann, helgasti faðir, hann hélt
sína biskupsreglu eptir lögum heilagrar kirkju í þann tíma með
saurlífi og þremur opinberum barneignum.”
7. Safn, I, 84.
8. Safn, Sec. Ser., I, 245—246.
9. Ibid. p. 242. This error seriously damages his arguments.
10. Ibid. pp. 243, 246; SI, IV, 30—31.
11. DI, VIII, 230—232. Dr. Arnórsson himself points this out, but
thinks that, although the bishop did not have three children after
1496, he may have had two (So/n, Sec. Ser., I. 246).
12. Safn, Sec. Ser., I, 243.
13. Sýslumannaœfir, p. 169. Páll Eggert Ólason (MM, II, 292—
293) seems to believe that Guðrún went to Norway with Bishop
Gottskálk in 1497 and gave birth to Oddur there in 1498—1499, but
see Sf, IV, 30—31. He also believes that Gottskálk was brought up
in Norway, for in the University of Rostock records, where his
name occurs in 1482, he is said to be “from Norway” (loc. cit.).
Dr. Arnórsson on the other hand thinks Gottskálk was born in
Norway but brought up in Iceland, although the only reason he
gives for this view is the weak one that his letters do not show
undue traces of Norwegian (Safn, Sec. Ser., I, 22—23).
14. Dl, XIII, 134.
15. Sýslumannaæfir, p. 336; MM, II, 293; cf. Safn, Sec. Ser., I, 244.
16. Loc. cit. There is another possible solution, although I think