Editiones Arnamagnæanæ. Series A - 01.06.1978, Blaðsíða 2
Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana
Published by The Arnamagnæan Commission, distributed by
C.A.Reitzels Boghandel A/S, Norregade 20, DK-1165 Kobenhavn K.
Vol. I. Jón Helgason og Anne Holtsmark: Háttalykill enn forni, 1941. Out of print.
Vol. II. Anders Bæksted: Islands runeindskrifter [The nmic inscriptions of Iceland],
1942. Out of print.
Vol. III. Two Treatises on Iceland from the 17th Century, ed. by Jakob Benediktsson,
1943, kr. 20.
Vol. IV. Skúli Magnússon, Beskrivelse af Gullbringu og Kjósar sýslur [A description
of the districts Gullbringusýsla and Kjósarsýsla in Iceland] (1785), udg. af Jón
Helgason, 1944, kr. 45.
Vol. V. Skúli Magnússon, Forsog til en kort Beskrivelse af Island [An attempt at a
short description of Iceland] (1786), udg. afjón Helgason, 1944, kr. 40.
Vol. VI. Chr. Westergárd-Nielsen: Láneordene i det 16. árhundredes trykte islandske
litteratur [Loan-words in Icelandic printed literature in the i6th century], 1946.
Out of print.
Vol. VII. Ole Worm’s Correspondence with Icelanders, ed. by Jakob Benediktsson,
1948, kr. 125.
Vol. VIII. Siegfried Beyschlag: Konungasögur. Untersuchungen zur Königssaga bis
Snorri. Die álteren Obersichtswerkc samt Ynglingasaga, 1950, kr. 85.
Vol. IX-XII. Arngrimi Jonae opera latine conscripta, edidit Jakob Benediktsson,
I, 1950, kr. 105, II, 1951, kr. 80, III, 1952, kr. 80, IV, 1957, kr. 130.
Vol. XIII. Ludvig Holm-Ólsen: Hándskriftene av Konungs skuggsjá [The manuscripts
of Konungs skuggsjá (Speculum Regale)], 1952, kr. 50.
Vol. XIV. Dietrich Hofmann: Nordisch-englische Lehnbeziehungen der Wikingerzeit,
1955, kr. 70.
Vol. XV. Gissur Einarssons islandske oversættelse af Ecclesiasticus og Prouerbia Salo-
monis [G. E.’s Icelandic translation of Eccl. and Prouerbia Sal.], udg. af Chr.
Westergárd-Nielsen, 1955, kr. 85.
Vol. XVI. Chr. Westergárd-Nielsen: To bibelske visdomsboger og deres islandske over-
levering [Two books of wisdom from the Bible and their Icel. tradition], 1957,
kr. n o.
Vol. XVII. Oskar Bandle: Die Sprache der Guðbrandsbiblía, 1956, kr. 115.
Vol. XVIII. Hallvard Mageroy: Studiar i Bandamanna Saga [Studies on B. saga],
1957, kr. 70.
Vol. XIX. E. F. Halvorsen: The Norse Version of the Chanson de Roland, 1959,
kr. 65.
Vol. XX. Opuscula. Vol. I, 1960, kr. 85.
Vol. XXI-XXII. Erik Eggen: The Sequences of the Archbishopric of Nidarós, I.
Text, II. Facsimiles, 1968, kr. 190.
Vol. XXIII. Sture Hast: Pappershandskrifterna til Harðar saga [The paper manu-
scripts ofH. saga], 1960, kr. 45.
Vol. XXIV. D. Slay: The Manuscripts of Hrólfs Saga Kraka, 1960, kr. 40.
Vol. XXV. Opuscuía. Vol. II, 1, 1961, kr. 20. Vol. 11,2, 1977, kr. 100.
Vol. XXVI. Svend Ellehoj: Studier over den ældste norrone historieskrivning [Studies
of the oldest Norse historical works], 1965, kr. 75.
Vol. XXVII. Inger M. Boberg: Motif-Index of Early Icelandic Literature, 1966.
Out of print.
Vol. XXVIII. Oskar Bandle: Studien zur westnordischen Sprachgeographie. Haustier-
terminologie im Norwegischen, Islándischen und Fáröischen. A. Textband, 1967,
kr. 125.
Vol. XXIX. Opuscula. Vol. III, 1967, kr. 65.
Vol. XXX. Opuscula. Vol. IV, 1970, kr. 90.
Vol. XXXI. Opuscula. Vol. V, 1975, kr. 125.
Vol. XXXII. Jonna Louis-Jensen: Kongesagastudier. Kompilationen Hulda-Hrok-
kinskinna [A Study of the H-Hr. Version of Kings’ Sagas], 1977, kr. 65.