Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1935, Page 59
frequency distribution of
macroseisms at reykjavík
SINCE 1800.
I have in the accompanying Table entered all earth-
Quakes recorded as felt at Reykjavík, Iceland, during
the period 1801—1934. The intensity of the quakes has
been estimated in accordance with Mercalli intensity
scale as modified by Henry O. Wood and Frank Neu-
mann.o The correctness of the estimation is without
doubt on several occasions questionable, the description
°f the earthquake being vague and often quite insuf-
ficient. For the compilation of earthquakes before 1910
Th. Thoroddsen’s works1 2) have been very helpful. I
have, however, almost in every case consulted the origi-
nal sources.
When two or more earthquakes have occurred on one
or two consecutive days only the most severe one has
been entered on the Table.
The Table indicates that the records from the first
years under discussion here are far from being exhaust-
1) Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 21, No.
4, Dec. 1931.
2) Landskjálftar á íslandi, Kbhvn, 1899, 1905, and Die Geschichte
der islándischen Vulkane, Kbhvn, 1925, p. 380,