Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1935, Page 66
1 2 3 4 5 6
Lathyrus pratensis .. . . . H E1 — 20 — — — —
Linum catharticum . . . . Th E1 — — 10 — — —
Parnassia palustris . . . H E2 — — 10 — — 30
Poa nemoralis . H E3 — 20 — — — —
Poa pratensis . G E4 10 30 — — 10 10
Potentilla verna H A2 10 10 — — 20 —
Salix lanata . Ch A1 30 — — 10 — —
Scirpus pauciflorus . . . . H E3 — — — — — 10
Trisetum spicatum . . . . . H A3 10 — — — — —
The circings 1—3 are all taken from the copse. The
stations 1 and 2 are situated on the hillside in different
altitudes ab. 50 m, but station 3 is situated at one side
of a ravine facing south, where the copse is taller and
more scattered. It may be seen everywhere that Grami-
néae are predominant, especially Anthoxanthum odora-
tum and Agrostis tenuis. Of herbs Polygonum viviparum
and Galium verum should be mentioned, the latter is
especially predominant in this copse. On the hill Haf-
ursey situated not far from the place investigated, Dr.
Helgi Jónsson mentions Empetrum nigrum as subdomi-
nant and Anthoxanthum odoratum and Galium verum
as growing scattered in the forestsward vegetation, but
the vegetation there suffers from lack of water.
The circlings 4 and 5 are made in glades on slopes,
but in the neighbourhood of the former circlings. In
circling-station 4 the soil is dry, and the vegetation with
the physiognomy of heatherland. Dominant species are:
Agrostis canina and Elyna Bellardi, the latter especi-
ally predominant in the physiognomy, but besides these:
Thymus serpyllum, Polygonum viviparum and Galium
verum prevail. In circling-station 5 the soil is moister,
and it is situated lower than no. 4, and is not so much
exposed. There is a closer relation to the forestsward
vegetation. Agrostis tenuis and Galium verum are
physiognomically dominant there. The circling-station
6 is a swamp, situated in a little hollow in the hillslope
surrounded by wood on all sides. There several charac-