Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1935, Qupperneq 130
be found on the upper parts of slopes and up in the moun-
tains. There is scanty phanerogam-vegetation there and
the plants are to be found in tufts, but a carpet of moss
covers the ground and characterizes the formation, the
Grimmia species being the most prevalent here. Of phane-
rogams the following are characteristic plants: Carex
rigida, Salix herbacea, Cerastium alpinum, Armeria vulgaris,
Festuca ovina and various species of Saxifraga.
5. Valllendi (Dry uncultivated grassland without knolls)
is mostly found in the lower parts of mountain-slopes,
but in some places it is however as high up as 700—750
m. Then the mosathembur-vegetation begins and the boun-
daries are in many places very distinct. The valllendi
reaches highest facing south and especially in places where
the snow lies pretty deep in winter. In many places there
are peculiar formations in the floors of valleys where the
soil is sandy and moist. These tracts are often almost ex-
clusively covered with Calamagrostis neglecta. Such Cal-
magrostis-areas are pretty extensive by Landmannahellir.
Then there is the valllendi at Laugar, which is unique as
regards the mountain-tracts. It is overgrown with Trifolium
repens and bears a great likeness to a homefield in the
country. Else the characteristic plants of the valllendi are
as follows: Agrostis tenuis, A. canina, Calamagrostis ne-
glecta, Festuca rubra, F. ovina Kobresia Bellardi, Carex
rigida and Salix herbacea.
6. Salix-patches are found on the lowest parts of the
hill-slopes, but only extend over the eastern part of the
area, on the east of Námskvísl. The dominant species there
are: Salix glauca, S. lanata, S. herbacea, Equisetum pra-
tense and E. variegatum.
1. Blómlendi (Snow patches) is to be found in many
places in ravines and depressions in the lower parts of
slopes. This vegetation is characterised by large flowering
plants. Characteristic plants here are: Sibbaldia procumbens,
Ranunculus acer, Leontodon autumnalis, Taraxaci, Hieracii
and of grasses we find Phleum alpinum, Agrostis tenuis,