AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.06.2005, Blaðsíða 22

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.06.2005, Blaðsíða 22
Cityscapes: Creating urban environments Helga Bragadóttir, Architect, Planning Official of Reykjavik iðborgar Roykjavlkur SUNDIN OG ESJAN HASKÓLI ISLANDS KEILIR \Jr.nt6 tyrv fevíp^rv^iuu-ou Uai 300EI ENGEY/ Simhtngl lands 09 bygghar MoWu síonlínur og úwýtmgci í ■ a AinioiKun rruótxaycnvaíðis ... A/morkun mlóbagcr 1. kort Hl FiamSðoi ke»»aki« ÁLFTANES SUNDIN OG ESJAN VIÐEY The term cityscape is used to define the appearance of a man- made environment. It also means the dynamic aspect of cities, planning, and last but not least, the redevelopment of old areas. When new land is developed and new districts created certain concessions are given with re- gard to social features, technol- ogy, and location as a basis for planning. In this way cities have been built through the ages. The history of town building in lceland is not long. But the laws that governed the building of sea- side and inland farms are, to some extent, the same as those that govern town building. The best location for buildings had to be found depending on the site and activity, available materials used for buildings and traffic planned - all in harmony with the environment. Reykjavik enjoys proxim- ity to the sea and Mt. Esja. It has a good harbour, hot water and arable fields, which formed the basis for the growth of a city that attracted people. Looking at the development of Reykjavík it is clear how features like hills, valleys, lakes, fields, glo- bal locatíon and view have had an influence on the location of important buildings and recreation areas. These features still influ- ence the planning of Reykjavik. Almost a decade before the ar- chitect Guðjón Samúelsson, first put forward his plan for Reykjavík in 1927, a medical doctor, Guðmundur Hannesson, had put forward his vi- sion for the development of towns in lceland in his important book, About the Planning of Towns. Guðmundur's book was an im- portant influence in Guðjón’s plan. 22 avs
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AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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