AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.06.2005, Blaðsíða 47

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.06.2005, Blaðsíða 47
leading universities with the goal of furthering research that can benefit economic activities in lceland will be the main emphasis of the new UR. The role of the university is to increase the competitiveness of lcelandic firms and with that in mind UR will focus on four main areas; innovation, technical devel- opment, collaboration, and inter- national exchange. Iceland has a great deal of potential for building powerful companies, both large and small, where university educa- tion and research play key roles. Need analysis of UR forms the foundation Location, housing and the over- all university environment will be important for the future develop- ment of UR, as well as to its ability to compete and fulfil its intended role. It is not easy to gaze many decades or even a whole century or more into the future and cre- ate a comprehensive plan for the development of a university. UR therefore consulted two American architectural- and consulting firms, Arrowstreet and Rickes Associates, to assist with the need analysis and search for the best existing mod- els abroad in regard to our spatial requirements etc. The cities of Reykjavík and Garðabær received an analysis from UR detailing hous- ing and parking requirements, as well as the highlighting the need for adequate adjacent space for collaborating institutions and firms. This analysis was very detailed, although not as detailed as if this had gone out to tender. The main issue was the definition of the basic requirements for a future site. A difficult choice between two good alternatives When the proposals from Garðabær and Reykjavík were received it was clear that the choice between Urriðaholt in Garðabær and Vatnsmýri in Reykjavík would be dif- ficult. Both locations had pros and cons. Further, this choíce was to be uninfluenced by local authori- ties or national politics. This was not a beauty contest. It could not be ruled out that feelings and points of view that do not directly concern the future development of the university could have undo influence on the public’s attitude towards UR. Professional analy- sis was emphasised in to ensure that the people in charge of the university would have a firm foun- dation to base their opinion on. Three consultants, two lcelandic, Línuhönnun and VSO consulting, and one from abroad, Rickes Associates, were hired to evaluate the proposed loca- tions. They approached this task from different angles but came to the same conclusion. Vatnsmýri is definitely a better choice. The location decision can be based on several main issues: 1. Spatial needs and comparison to the need analysis of UR 2. Planning- and technical eva- luation 3. Policy issues and risk. These issues were important, and although policy issues and risk were given more weight some aspects in 1 and 2 had considerable impact that had be taken into account. 1. Spatial require- ments and com- parison to the need analysis of UR The proposals of Garðabær and Reykjavík were both assessed as being satisfactory compared to the required spatial needs of UR. Available space is considered to be more than adequate and in addition the plot ratio of individual sites can be increased and integrated into the environment in both locations. 2. Planning and technical issues With regard to this issue many important planning and technical aspects were looked into, includ- ing the planning process, the end of preliminary work, future development and possibilities for growth, national development, population distribution, the road network and traffic, public trans- portation and footpaths, climate, pollution, buildings, and cost. According to the consult- ants there were some differ- ences between several aspects of Urriðaholt and Vatnsmýri. None of these aspects, however, is decisive on its own with regard to location. 3. Policy issues and risk Central to the comparison of these two locations are policy issues and risk associated with the location. The future vision and ideology of UR are founded on a strong commitment to innovation, tech- nical development, collabora- tion and international exchange. Competitiveness was defined as being an attraction for the main focus groups, students, staff and external collaborators. Assessing these aspects the assessors inter- viewed UR staff, leaders in the university community in lceland and abroad, and a review group consisting of students. The opin- ions of business leaders people and institutions that UR invited to an introductory meeting were taken into account as well as that of potential partners and others influential in the location decision. These interviews lead to an emphasis on the creation of a
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AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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