AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.06.2005, Blaðsíða 26

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.06.2005, Blaðsíða 26
uninspiring urban environment found in many other Western cities. But what does he mean in regard to an uninspiring urban environment and local features? What makes the city landscape into a cohesive whole and what values are inherent in this? To begin with, how do we define an area of land? An area of land can be defined as a territory or domain. The first settlers marked their domain which became their farming settlement, which they altered according to their needs. A territory can also be a city, a town, a cultivated plot, or an untouched piece of land. In other words, something that defines and deliniates an area as being differ- ent from others. In this way land can be defined in a material way. Land can also be defined in a non-material way. This is apparent in the cultural heritage of nations and ethnic groups. Hence, on one hand Scandinavia can be defined as a certain area in the northern hemi- sphere connected by similar lan- guages, fairly similar climates, sea- sonal changes (except lceland) and cultures, as well as the fact that they always give each other 12 points in the European Song Contest. On the other hand, these coun- tries are very different. Denmark is largely without mountains, while Norway and lceland have rug- ged mountains and deep fjords. Finland is covered with extensive woodlands and lakes like parts of Russia, and Sweden has a mix- ture of all these characteristics. Non-material territories are there- fore not limited by borders and can exist without a connection to local features or physical areas. In reality the distance between non- material and material territories is constantly increasing. The way that the borders of free trade areas are becoming more important than the borders of individual states illustrates this point perfectly. One of the consequences of this development is that with increased internationalization the city land- scape is becoming more and more homogenous. This can manifest itself in the architecture and appear- ance of buildings in many ways, such as the design and marketing of individual international firms in the food sector that want to por- tray a standardised image. This leads to shopping centres all over the world becoming very similar. Perhaps Ridley Scott’s futuris- tic vision in the 1982 film “Blade Runner” is one of the darkest portrayals of the future city land- scape. In that reality international corporations reign supreme. Social decisions that influence all human- ity are made by the boards of large companies and not in the parlia- ments of individual states. The city is dark and the environment ghostly. The distinction between the natural and the artificial is disappearing along with all indi- viduality, merging into chaos. This does not have to be the future. The world is in a certain sense getting smaller and living standards increasing, while leisure time, interaction and collaboration between countries is constantly on the rise, at least in the West. The main goals of the Regional Plan for the Capital Area are to make Reykjavík an international, high-technology city, to increase the population densitiy, and to make a clear distinction between the man- made environment, with its sharp lines, and the landscape with its soft forms. According to the Regional Plan, the Capital Area should be a beautiful city with clearly defined urban areas and pristine nature reserves. Properly carried out, this idea strengthens the features of the city apparent in the uniqe interplay between the natural and urban char- acteristics of the Capital Area. ■ 26 avs
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AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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