AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.06.2005, Blaðsíða 35

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.06.2005, Blaðsíða 35
Copenhagen it costs money to park everywhere, without exception, which has become expensive. With the introduction of modern controi and payment methods and a consequent pricing policy where prices increase when there is a reason for it, one can come a long way. In Copenhagen the net income from parking is more than 15 mil euros annually. Euro a year - and you can also almost always find a parking space. 5. Better public transport. I only had the opportunity to gain a very superficial impression of public transport in the capital area. But if the aim is that the desirable increase in activities in the city should not lead to more car traffic then one has to improve the public transport system, with clean buses, covered bus stops, attractive exchange stations, and above all, quicker service. The latter can be achieved by separate bus lanes, bus signals operated by the buses, and perhaps new bus routes. In Copenhagen the special S-buses (i.e. speed buses with few stops) have been a success and the new A- lines, driving in the dense parts of the city without a fixed timetable at a frequent rate have also been quite successful. Much can be done but it of course requires a thorough study of the city - and an economic goal. It should also be looked into if it is feasible to provide one or two tramlines to the centre of the city. But perhaps Reykjavík is not yet large enough for this. 6. Better facilities for cycle traffic. Much more should be done to improve the situation for people on bicycles. In Copenhagen one third of all journeys to work take place on bicycles. Possibly people think that the weather is worse in Reykjavík, but I do not believe this. It storms, rains, and snows also a great deal in Copenhagen. There may be more hills in and around Reykjavík but modern bicycles are also very good. The city should build bicycle paths and special bicycle roads, ensure the safety of bicyclists in large road junctions, and províde good, safe bicycle parks etc. It has been a high priority issue in Copenhagen to improve the bicycle traffic and this has led to very positive results both ín Copenhagen and also in many other Danish cities. 7. Very important: The urban space should be renovated and made more beautiful. A colossal change is taking place in the way we use our cities. Commercial activities are moving to the large centres in the suburbs and other activities are moving out. But the town-life taking place in the old centres of towns is also on the increase. Restaurants, cafés and speciality shops are doing well and the same can be said about culture. There is life in squares and open spaces and many young and old people like to live in city centres where all kinds of services are on offer just outside the front door, But active city ... .. „ - .■ life demands attractive spaces in the city. And here Reykjavík could make a contribution. The squares of the city, spaces and roads need new designs, surfaces, equipment, and places to stay. The point is that it does not cost much to work with the spaces of the city compared to the construction of multilevel road interchanges for the cars. In my opinion this is where the city should put its efforts during the following years. It will also help the tourism of the city a great deal. 8. Make a plan for the open areas of the city. In Copenhagen we have experienced an increase in the number of people visiting the inner city. Now there is a vibrant business life, although with a different content than previously, but suited to the new lifestyle. One of the things that sparked this off was the preparation of a plan for the open spaces of the city some years ago. During the last years many of the city’s squares and open areas have received new surfaces, parking has been removed, and small streets pedestrianised or regulated and made more attractive for people to stay in. The people of Copenhagen, tourists and visitors have welcomed these new possibilities. There is now intensive life in the city all the year round. 9. Prepare a traffic- and an environmental plan. One of the premises for being able to renovate and make the open spaces in the city more beautiful is a precise plan for the traffic in the city. In Copenhagen we prepared a combined traffic- and environmental plan for the city with the objective that private car traffic should not íncrease and that the increase in activities should be taken care of by bicycle traffic and public transport. It has perhaps not been completely successful but many of the proposals of the plan and goals have all the same been important for both the employees of the city and political discussions. 10. Remember that things change. Many of the things that we value in a city, the buildings, squares, places, art etc. are often many hundreds of years old. We owe a debt of respect to the values that created this framework that still exists and we should be careful in the planning of demolition, road widening and new large traffic works. In Copenhagen we almost made terrible mistakes in this respect towards the middle and end of the last century when large road construction and motorway plans came close to béing :carried out. Today we count ourselves lucky that the old centre somehow survived and that our lakes and many open areas did not become sites for motorways. It is a question of not taking the short-term view: What do we really know about the wishes for our cities just 50 years from now?“ ■
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AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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