AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.06.2005, Blaðsíða 25

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.06.2005, Blaðsíða 25
Eaton centre, Toronto Kringlan, Reykjavík The Interplay of Land and City Björn Axelsson, Landscape Architect FÍLA, Director for the Environment in the Department og Planning and Building The interplay between land and city takes on many forms, not least in the relationship between the man-made environment and it’s natural surroundings. What is it in reality that typifies the Capital area cityscape and makes the it different from all other cities? “The visitor's eye is sharp”. This applies particularly to the picture that Danish landscape architect Stein Höyer, one of the foreign cun- sultans that were hired in connec- tion with the last regional plan for the Capital area, paints of the frame and look of the Capital area. (One of the foreign consultants that were hired in connection with the last regional plan for the Capital area.) Stein likes the ring of moun- tains, which enclose and frame the city. This, in his eyes, is the most important aspect of the city experience, an experience that makes the Capital area a special and complete place. Stein describes the location of the city at the juncture of land and sea and the interplay between urban and natural as a mixture of oppo- sites and harmonies. This mixture has deep roots in the cultural herit- age of the nation and appears in the urban environment in a special way. Nature, woven into and around the city, makes the Capital Area quite unique in Western-Europe. According to Stein, the appearance of the Capital area would not be very inspiring without these local features and the urban environ- ment not very different from the avs 25
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AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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