Bókasafnið - 01.01.2001, Síða 35
um tveimur árum, þótt til bráðabirgða væri, þá tel ég
að sú reynsla sem þessi flutningur gaf undirritaðri og
öllum starfsmönnum Þjóðminjasafnsins eigi eftir að
nýtast á mjög jákvæðan hátt þegar kemur að því að
pakka þarf niður á ný og flytja í (vonandi) varanlegt
glæsilegt framtíðarhúsnæði bókasafnsins og Þjóð-
minjasafnsins alls.
Moving the library of the National Museum
of Iceland
The relocation of a library is always a huge project,
still it differs depending on the type of the library, e.g.
a public library versus a smaller museum library.
When the library of the National Museum of
Iceland was relocated to a contemporary housing in
1998 the special needs of the museum's departments
had to be taken into account and a subtle plan had to
be made regarding the museum's units. International
standards had to be taken into consideration and
time-tables carefully organized. It was necessary as
well to calculate the length oft the shelves, count the
volumes of books and periodicals, find suitable
packing and to provide a cost estimate.
In spite of the hard work which inevitably had to
be carried out before and during the relocation, the
benefits were still considerable, for example through
weeding and reorganization of the whole library. The
most important advice to librarians is the making of
clear guidelines from the beginning and not to
underestimate the magnitude of the project.
Efni 5. árgangs 2000:
Birgir Þórðarson: Eggert Ó. Gunnarsson / Aðalsteinn Ingólfsson:
Bréfaskipti Erlends í Unuhúsi og Nínu Tryggvadóttur / Þórunn
Sigurðardóttir: Hagþenkir Jóns Ólafssonar úr Grunnavík / Steingrímur
Jónsson: Prentnemarnir / Einar Sigurðsson: Myndir Tryggva Magnússonar
af íslensku jólasveinunum / Helga Kristín Gunnarsdóttir: Eggert Ólafsson
/ Gottskálk Jensson: Recensus Páls Vídalíns í Sciagraphiu Hálfdánar
Einarssonar / Andrew Wawn: The Dream, Ijóð á ensku eftir Lárus
Sigurðsson frá Geitareyjum / Ögmundur Helgason: Morgunverður með
Erlendi í Unuhúsi / Steingrímur Jónsson: Norræn bóksöguráðstefna.
Verð til nýrra áskrifenda:
1- 4. árgangur 1996-1999: kr. 8.000
5. árgangur 2000 (áskriftarverð): kr. 3.200
Tekið er við áskriftarbeiðnum í síma eða með öðrum hætti.
Arngrfmsgötu 3 / 107 Reykjavík
SÍMI 525 5600 / FAX 525 5615 / NETFANG lbs@bok.hi.is
Kt. 701194-3149