
Læknaneminn - 01.04.2004, Qupperneq 69

Læknaneminn - 01.04.2004, Qupperneq 69
Expression of activin A ligands mRNA in endometrial adeno- carcinoma Matthildur Sigurðardóttirl, Pasquale Florio2, Felice Petraglia2 1 Læknadeild Háskóla Islands, 2 Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine, University of Siena Background: Endometrial adenocarcinoma ranks as the fifth most common neoplasm in women in the western world with an age adjusted rate of 11,33/100.000. Activin A is a multifunctional growth and cell differentiation factor, belonging to the TGF-_ superfamily that exerts anti-proliferative effects on normal cells and on well-differentiated endometrial tumors. It is produced by normal endometrium and secreted at high levels in endometrial adenocarcinoma. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the expression of two inhibitory activin ligands, follistatin and FLRG, in endometrial adenocarcinoma and normal human endometrium. Material and methods: Endometrial adenocarcinoma tissue samples were collected from patients (n=8). Control tissue specimens were obtained from normal cycling endometrium (n=8: proliferative phase=3, secretory phase=5), and from atrophic menopausal endometrium (n=5). Total RNA was purified from the samples and levels of mRNA expression were assayed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR, using the housekeeping gene, F1PRT, as a standard. Results: The FLRG/HPRT mRNA expression ratio in endometrial adenocarcinoma specimens is significantly lower than in normal endometrial samples (P< 0.0001). Follistatin/ HPRT expression ratios were similar in endometrial carcinoma samples and healthy controls. There are no detectable differences in FLRG and follistatin mRNA expression between either fertile or menopausal endometrium or between proliferative and secretory phases in fertile endometrium. Conclusions: FLRG is downregulated in endometrial carcinoma, compared to normal endometrium, but follistatin expression remains unchanged; as measured by mRNA levels. Taken together with the high levels of activin produced in endometrial carcinoma and the reported co-localization of activin and FLRG in normal endometrial tissues, we conclude that a failure in a common pathway that involves the regulation of activin as well as FLRG is pivotal in endometrial tumor progression. Key words: Follistatin, FLRG, activin A, endometrial adenocarcinoma. Höfuðáverki og tölvusneiðmyndarannsóknir hjá börnum Viktor Davíð Sigurðsson Leiðbeínendur: Ásbjörn Jónsson, Brynjólfur Mogensen, Pétur H. Hannesson, Jón Baldursson Inngangur: Höfuðáverkar barna eru algeng ástæða fyrir komu á slysa- og bráðadeild (SBD) Landspítala-háskólasjúkrahúss (LSH). Hluti þeirra fer í tölvusneiðmyndarannsókn af höfði (TS) til útilokunar kúpu- og innankúpuáverka. Markmið er að kanna notkun á TS vegna höfuðáverka hjá börnum. Efni og aðferðir: Börn yngri en 18 ára sem komið höfðu á SBD og farið í TS árin 2001 og 2002. Skráð var aldur, kyn, meðvitundarástand á slysstað, Glascow Coma Scale (GCS), slysagreiningar, röntgengreiningar, áverkaskor og afdrif. Niðurstöður: Slösuð voru 284 börn, 160 drengir og 124 stúlkur. Meðvitund misstu 31%. Langflest (95%) höfðu GCS 13-15 og 4% GCS 3-7. Neikvæða TS höfðu 86% barna en hjá 14% (42) greindist áverki; höfuðkúpubrot (15), heilamar (4), innankúpublæðing (8) og fleiri en eina greiningu fengu 15. Stór hluti (33 af 42) var með GCS 13-15. Fleiri stúlkur voru höfuðkúpubrotnar (15:11). Hlutfall höfuðkúpubrota var hærra því yngri sem börnin voru. Höfuðkúpubrot eykur líkur á innankúpuáverka tæplega sjöfalt. Allir sjúklingar með jákvæða TS uppfylltu skilmerki klínískra leiðbeininga á SBD fyrir TS. Heilahristingur var algengasta slysagreininging (78%). Rúmur helmingur barnanna fóru heim (145) og rúmur fjórðungur (76) var lagður inn yfir eina nótt en aðrir lengur. Tveir létust. Umræður: Hátt hlutfall jákvæðra TS rannsókna (14%) bendir til að ekki sé um ofrannsóknir að ræða. Hátt GCS barna við komu á SBD útilokar ekki alvarlegan höfuðáverka. Við mat fyrir TS er nauðsynlegt að hafa til hliðsjónar sögu, skoðun og klínískar leiðbeiningar. Lykilorð: Börn, höfuðáverki, tölvusneiðmyndarannsókn, áverkaskor, Glascow Coma Scale. IL-6 passes the placenta in rats Steinunn Arnardóftir 1,2 Jovanna Dahlgren MD, Ph.D 2,3, Anne-Maj Samuelsson Ph.d stud.2, Karolina Ploj Ph.D 2 Agneta Holmáng MD; Ph.D 2 1: University of lceland 2:Wallenberg laboratory Sahlgrenska Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden 3:Queen Silvia Children's Hospital, Göteborg Sweden Introduction: Several studies have suggested that events that occur prenatally play an important role in the pathogenesis of diseases at adult age. Different kinds of stressors during a defined developmental stage results in persisting changes in behavioural and hormonal responses. Male rats, prenatally exposed to interleukin-6 get obese, show Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal axis (HPA axis) hypersensitzation, and insulin resistance at an adult age and females become in addition to obesity and HPA axis sensitisation, hyperandrogenic, but not insulin resistant. 69
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