Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1955, Page 95
Um giktsjúkur í einari íøroyskari bygd
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2. Meteorologisk Árbog. 1. Del. Danmark undtagen Grønland. Kbhn.
3. Schledermann, Holger: Knæledsarthroser. Ugeskr. f. L. 117. árg. s.
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5. Kellgren, J. H., J. S. Lawrence, Jean Aitkin=Swan,: Rheumatic corm
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Vol. 12, Nr. 1, London 1953.
6. Blecourt, J. J. de, A. H. M. Basart: Investigation as to the preva*
lence of rheumatic diseases and to their dependence upon ihe degree
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