Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.03.1995, Qupperneq 14

Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.03.1995, Qupperneq 14
Ingibjörgu Ingadóttur fyrir þýðingu mælitækis, Fanneyju Þórsdóttur fyrir tölfræðiróðgjöf og Ragnheiði Sigurð- ardóttur, deildarstjóra, fyrir aðstoð hennar við úrtaks- leit. Abstract Factors in tlie NICU causing parental stress The main purpose of this study was to pretest an Icelandic version of the PSS:NICU scale (Parental Stress Scale: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) intended to measure whether andto what ejctent certain factors in the NICU environment cause stress to parents. We also tried to obtain additional infonnation about parents' experieiwe if discharging home with a babyfrom the NICU. According to reliability testing of the Icelandic version of the PSS: NICU, the international consistency (Cronbach's alpha) of the instrument isgood(0.94). There is also a correlation between the results of this study and a comparable study where the English version of the instrument was used (Miles and Funk, 1989). Icelandic parents having a baby in the NICU seem tofeel more stress on the average than parents in the United States. Parental role alteration seems to cause the greatest stress to parents, amlfactors related to stajfbehavior and communication the least stress. Among singlefactors in the scale thefollowing seem to cause thegreatest stress toparents: Separationfrom the baby; sudden noises in inonitor alarms; seeing needles and tubes put in the baby; not being able to hold the baby; not being able to be alone with the balry; being unable tofeed it oneself; tlmt the baby seerned to be inpain; being unable to protect itfrom pain and painful procedures. Regarding the experierwe ofparents discharging with a babyfrom the NICU, the thought ofgoing home with the baby and caringfor it without the assistarwe of aprofessional causes the greatest stress. The additional scale measuring the stressfactors related to the discharge proved reliable with Cronbach's alpha 0.90. Heimildir: Arenson, J. 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Sources of jiarental environmental stress: Pediatric intensive care unit. Journalfor Care of Childrens Health, 11, 65-69. Miles, M.S., og Carter, M.C. (1983). Assessing jiarental stress in intensive care units. Maternal Care Nursing, 5, 354-359. Miles, M.S., og Carter, M.C. (1985). Parental cojíing strategies during a child’s admission to an intensive care unit. Childrens Health Care, 14, 14-21. Miles, M.S., og Funk, S.G. (1989). Parental Stressor Scale: Neonatal lntensive care unit. Obirt fylgirit maditækis. The University of North Carolina, N.C., 1-13. Miles, M.S., Funk, S.G., og Kasjier, M.A. (1991). The neonatal intensive care unit environment. Sources of stress for jiarents. AACN Clinical Issues in Critical Care Nursing, 2(2), 346-354. Minde, K., Whitelaw, A., og Brown, J. (1983). Effect of neonatal complications in jiremature infants on early jiarent-infant interaction. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology; 25, 763-777. Perehudoff, B. (1990). Parents’ perceptions of environmental stressors in the special nursery. Neoimtal Network, 9(2), 39^4. Stewart, A.J. (1990). Mums and dads need care too. Professional Nurse, 9(12), 60-65. Yu, V.Y.H., Jamieson J., og Astbury, J. (1981). Parents reactions to unrestricted parental contact in the intensive care unit nursery. Medical Journal of Australia; 1, 294-296. 14 TÍMARITIUÚKRUNARFRÆÐINGA l.tbl. 71. .árg. 1995


Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga

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