Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags


Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1980, Síða 116

Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1980, Síða 116
120 ÁRBÓK FORNLEIFAFÉLAGSINS parasites (c.f. Pike & Biddle, 1966) could clarify this point. Girling (1977) has identified a similar problem with bird crop pellets containing insects in ar- chaeological deposits. With the caveat that the plant assemblages are essentially the product of human activity, some idea of the landscape around Stóraborg can be obtained from the floral lists, although a much more detailed picture should emerge when more samples have been processed. To some extent the plants can be divided into broad habitat groupings: cultivated and broken ground, pasture- and meadowland, wetland and heaths. The percentages of these groups in each sample do not differ in a statistically significant sense: cultivated and broken ground 28%, pasture and meadowland 36% and wetland and heaths 32%. It must be stressed, however, that these groupings are not mutually ex- clusive categories but a gradational series and several of the less ecologically demanding species may occur in all groups. Most of the plants can be found growing close to the site today. The heathland species, E. nigrum, has disap- peared from the improved pasture near to the site but can be found on the less improved areas of sandur. The nearest modern record of U. urens is from Stokkseyri, 70km north-west of Stóraborg (Steindórsson, 1957). All the plants, however, could have been found in a transect from the disturbed ground around the farm buildings, across the infield to the wetlands by the Kaldaklifsá. Many of the Coleoptera (table 3) fit into the natural environment suggested by the plant evidence, including all the Carabids (járnsmiðaættin), several Staphylinids Qötunuxaættin), Aphodius lapponum (taðdýfill), Hypnoidus riparius (smellibjalla) and the majority of the weevils (ranabjölluættin). The Icelandic fauna includes few beetles which are restricted to particular plants and this means that few species can be added to the plant list by the presence of their insect feeders. Only the occurrence of some Cruciferae (krossblóma- ættin) can be inferred by the presence of Ceutorhynchus contractus in the list. On the basis of the archaeological evidence, some of the variation between the midden and floor samples may be explained. The large numbers of Ranun- culus (sóley), dandelion (fífill) and Rhinanthus minor (lokasjóður) seeds in the midden suggests a residue of hay rather than floors. This is supported by the high frequency of the beetle Typhaea stercorea, which prefers rotting hay residues for breeding in and is common in modern hay barns. The floor material, as well as incidental seeds, from peoples footwear, etc., contains large numbers of the seeds of Juncus spp. and Luzula c.f. multiflora (sefætt- in) and these may come from plants collected for spreading on the floor, rather than from hay. The frequency of fish-bones, other small fragments of bone, chips of wood and other artifacts implies a living room, rather than a
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Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags

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