Bókasafnið - 01.07.1984, Qupperneq 36

Bókasafnið - 01.07.1984, Qupperneq 36
any potential leaders. This system is parti- cularly bad for the good students. The school does not offer them enough chal- lenge and it becomes fashionable to pass with a minimum grade. After school their mentality has been geared to this idea of “everything for nothing". The potential leaders get lost in mediocre schooling. The school library must be used more to supplement the average classroom coverage of the subjects, particularly for the good students. The school library’s role in techno- logical developments is also most import- ant and the computerization of the schools should involve the school library. The school library could very effectively be one of the parties within the school which teaches computer skills. This can be done both by transmitting facts as well as teaching students to find information. The school librarian must be capable of using the computer and its informatión transmission capabilities just as he must know how to use other sources to transmit information to his students. In order to make the school library ef- fecive in the strife for exellence in educat- ion as well as in the computerization of the school, the education and training of the school librarian becomes a crucial issue. IFLA has set up a working group which is writing guidelines for the education of school librarians. Three general corner- stones must form the foundation for the educational programmes of the school librarians: they must be prepared for an educational role, a professional role and a management role. The first role covers training the librarians in information skills, as well as in cooperation with the teachers in creating the educational programmes of the school. The professional role in- volves training in selection and evaluation of library material, current awareness for the teachers and knowledge of new developments in librarianship, and of children’s literature. The management role involves budget making, personnel, organization and development of the col- lection as well as all programmes and exhibits organized by the library. There is no special effort that goes into checking out requested books or shelving, but it demands a great deal of skills and dedication to make the school library into a true institution of information within the school which serves to improve the total educational programme of the school. It has been said that a school librarian without a library can much benefit the school with ingenuity and resourceful- ness, but unused library material is of no use to anybody. • 33 Miscellanea Bibliography 1944-1973 in 2nd edition This is a computerized bibliography covering 10.000 monographs listed in the annual lcelandic National Bibliography 1944-1973. Items were reclassified and recatalogued according to alterations in the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme and new cataloguing rules. The bibliography is an alphabetical author/title catalogue. A bibliography covering monographs published 1844-1943 is now being pre- pared. For further information write to: Thjónustumidstöd bókasafna Borgartúni 17, 105 Reykjavík. Law on professional librarians A bill submitted by the Minister of Edu- cation and Cultural Affairs on the initiative of the Association of Professional Librari- ans, was passed in the lcelandic Par- liament last May. This law defines the qualifications required for giving a person the right to call himself a professional librarian, by permission of the Minister. B0KIN H/F Laugavegi 1-101 Reykjavík - Sími 10680 Metum og gerum tilboð í bækur, blöð og tímarit. Seljum bækur, lesnar og ólesnar, heil tímarit, gömul íslandskort og myndir. Munið að bókin er besti vinurinn Ðókin Laugavegi 1 36 BÓKASAFNIÐ



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