Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1965, Síða 83

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1965, Síða 83
RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM 83 Ilolm-Olsen. Dag Strömback. Palle Birkelund. Mogens Haugsted. Chr. Westerg&rd-Nielsen. Ole Widding. Kbh. 1964. 63, (1) bls. 8vo. BINNS, A. L. The Viking century in East York- sbire. E. Y. Local llistory Series: N. 15. York 1963. 54 bls. 8vo. BJARNASON, ÓLAFUR. Uterine carcinoma in Iceland. From tlie Department of Patliology University of lceland. Cbief: Professor Niels Dungal. [Drg.l Rvík 1963. 90 bls. 8vo. BJÖRNSSON, BJÖRN. lceland. A geographical, political and economic survey. Revised by ilrólfur Ásvaldsson. Reprint from Viðskipta- skráin 1963. I Rvík 1963]. Bls. 665—680. 4to. BORG, ANNA. Erindringer ... Samlet og ndgivet af Poul Renmert. Kbb. 1964. 124 bls., 1 mbl. 8vo. BOUCHER, ALAN. The land seekers. lllnstrated by Hilary Abrahams. London 1964. 144 bls. 8vo. - The Wineland ventnre. Ulnstrated by Toni Patten. London 1963. (8), 160 bls. 8vo. BOYER, RÉGIS. Trois sagas islandaises du XIII. siécle et un „tliáttr". „Víga-Glúms saga“, „llrafnkels saga Freysgoði“, „Gísla saga Súrs- sonar“, „Auðunar tháttr vestfirzka". lntroduc- tions, notes et traductions. [Fjiilr.l Paris 1964. 111, 388 bls., 2 uppdr. 4to. BRANSTON, BRIAN. Gods of the North. N. Y. 1196?]. X, 318 bls., 4 mbl. 8vo. BÖDAL, WILHELM. Finnur Vinlandsfarer. Mel- hus 1963. 116 bls. 8vo. CHAPMAN, KENNETH G. Graded readings and exercises in Old lcelandic. Berkeley and Los Angeles 1964. VI, 72 bls. 4to. CHELSEA COLLEGE UNION. Biological and geological socielies’ expedition to Iceland. Summer 1961. London 1962. (2), 52 bls., 2 uppdr. 8vo. COLUM, PADRAIC. The children of Odin. The hook of northern myths. Illustrated by Willy Pogany. N. Y. 1962. (6), 271 bls. 8vo. CURIOSITIES OF MEDICINE. An assembly of medical diversions 1552—1962. Edited with an introduction and notes by Berlon Roueché. London 1963. X, 338 bls. 8vo. DAVIDSON, II. R. ELLIS. Gods and myths of Nortliern Europe. Pelican Book A 670. llar- mondsworth, Middlesex 1964. 251 bls. 8vo. DIPLOMATIC LIST and List of honorary consuls in Iceland. March 1963. Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Rvík 1963. 53 bls. 8vo. -----October 1963. Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Rvík 1963. 53 bls. 8vo. DUTY FREE STORE. Keflavik Airporl Iceland. Shopping and mail order Guide. Jnne 1962. IRvík 19621. (1), 52 bls. 8vo. -----November 1962. I Rvík 1962]. (1), 52 bls. 8vo. - IRvík] 1963. (I), 48 bls. 8vo. EARLY ENGLISH AND NORSE STUDIES. Pre- sented to Hugh Smith in honour of his sixtieth birthday. Edited by Artliur Brown and Peter Foote. London 1963. XII, 225 bls., 5 mbl. 8vo. EARLY ICELANDIC MANUSCRIPTS 1N FAC- SJMILE. Sixth volume. Thomasskinna. Gl. kgl. Saml. 1008 fol. in The Royal Library, Copen- liagen. Edited by Agnete l.oth. Kbh. 1964. 31 bls„ 168 jnbl. Fol. EARLYBIRD, TIIE. Nos. 38—39. I Rvík] 1963. 2 tbl. 4to. ECONOMIC SURVEYS by the OECD. Iceland. Paris 1964. 28 bls. 8vo. EDITJONES ARNAMAGNÆANÆ. Series B, vol. 4. The life of St. Gregory and his Dia- logues. Fragments of an Icelandic manuscript from the 13th century. Edited by Hreinn Bene- diktsson. Kbh. 1963. (1), 62, (2), 7 mbl. 8vo. — Series B, vol. 5. Dunstanus saga. Edited by Christine Elizabeth Fell. Kbh. 1963. (1), XCI, (1), 52, (1) bls. 8vo. — Series B, vol. 13. íslen/k fornkvæði. Islandske folkeviser. Udgivel af Jón Helgason. IV. Kbh. 1963. (1), LXIII, 270, (1) bls. 8vo. — Series B, vol. 21. Late medieval Icelandic ro- mances. II. Saulns saga ok Nikanors. Sigurðar saga Jipgla. Edited by Agnete Loth. Kbh. 1963. (1), VIII, 264 bls. 8vo. — Series B, vol. 22. Latc medieval Icelandic ro- mances. III. Jarlmanns saga ok Hermanns. Adonias saga. Sigurðar saga fóts. Edited by Agnete Loth. Kbh. 1963. (1), IX, 254, (1) bls. 8vo. — Series B, vol. 23. Late medieval Icelandic ro- mances. IV. Vilhjálms saga sjóðs. Vilmundar saga viðutan. Edited by Agnete Loth. Kbh. 1964. VIII, 206 bls. 8vo. EIGL, KIJRT. Deutsche Götter- und Ileldensagen.
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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