Ársrit Fiskifélags Íslands - 01.01.1933, Page 79

Ársrit Fiskifélags Íslands - 01.01.1933, Page 79
Heimildarrit. Friðriksson, Árni: Age-Composition of the Stock of the Cod in East Icelands Fjords during the Years 1925—'21 (Rapport et Proc. Verb. ect. Kbh. 1928). — — Fiskirannsóknir Fiskifélags íslands 1931. (Skýrsla Fiskifélags íslands 1930—’31, Rvk. 1931). Jespersen, P.: Investigations on the Food of the Herring in Danish Waters. (Medd. Kom. Hav. Ser. Plankton, II, 2, Kbh. 1928). — — On the Food of the Herring in Icelandic Waters (Medd. Kom. Hav. Ser. Plankton, II, 3, Kbh. 1932). Sæmundsson, Bjarni: Fiskirannsóknir 1931—1932. (Andvari, Reykjav. 1933). Taaning, Á. Ved.: Fluctuations in the Stock of the Cod in Icelandic Waters. (Medd. Kom. Hav. Ser. Fiskeri IX, 3, Kbh. 1931).


Ársrit Fiskifélags Íslands

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