

Sameiningin - 01.03.1945, Blaðsíða 68

Sameiningin - 01.03.1945, Blaðsíða 68
GOOD READING for good LUTHERANS ()\ WINGS OF HEALIXG .Jolin W. Doberstein A beautifully illus- trated collection of prayers and readings that minister to the sick and shut-in xvith hope and courage for their affliction. Cloth, $2.00 THE WAT Cliarles M. Jacobs Jesus Christ is shown as the source and center of Christian- ity in the simple, charming language of this writer. Cloth, $1.00 MAE.TIN LUTHER Elsie Singmaster CHKISTIAN FAMIIA' EIFE By Eari S. Rudisill—The Church’s interest in the family is evidenced in this attractive book wherein are given some fundamental thoughts and aids to problems confronting the homes of the present. day. Priee, 30 cents AVH.AT THEN 1S CHRISTIANITY ? By Charles M. Jacohs—The profound- est truths of the Christian system analyzed and set forth with erystal clarity by a mature and scholarly thinker. Here is clear and forceful reasoning, earnest and convincing language, and the transforming touch of personal exioerience. Cloth, $1.00 THE FAITH OF THE CIIURCH By Charles M. Jacobs—Richly reward- ing devotional studies on the Apostles’ Creed for older young people and church members generally who desire fuller knowledge of the basic certain- ties of the Christian faith. The personal religious values of The Creed are stressed. Cloth, 75 cents A fascinating ac- count of the essen- tial facts in the life of the hero of the Protestant Reforma- tion. Cloth, $1.00 WHAT MATTERS Walton II. Grcever TIIE STORY OF TIIE CIIURCH By Charles M. Jaoohs—An outline of the Church’s history from the first to the end of the 19th century, written in direct and untechnical language which gives it the movement and in- terest of a narrative. Cloth, $2.00 The United Lutheran The essentials of Christian faith are explained in this little book which should be in the hands of all Luther- ans. Pl'ice, 50 cents Publication House 1228 Spruce Street, Phihulelphia 7, Pa. Chlcago 11. Píttsburgh 22, Colxunbia 3
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