Fréttablaðið - 16.04.2011, Blaðsíða 52

Fréttablaðið - 16.04.2011, Blaðsíða 52
16. apríl 2011 LAUGARDAGUR4 Norges Geotekniske Institutt (NGI) leitar að reyndu fagfólki á ofangreindum fagsviðum. Sjá nánar á heimasíðu NGI. NGI verður þátttakandi í starfakynningu í Ráðhúsi Reykjavíkur föstudaginn 15. apríl kl. 16-19 og laugardaginn 16. april kl. 12-18. NGI er leiðandi fyrirtæki í rannsóknum og ráðgjafaþjónustu á sviði jarðtækni og skyldra fagsviða á alþjóðavísu. Jarðverkfræðingur Verkfræðingur á sviði jarðtækni Vatnajarðfræðingur JOB REFERENCE : 05/11 EFTA Surveillance Authority webpage: Role description: The EFTA Surveillance Authority is seeking three case handlers for its Internal Market Affairs Directorate. The successful appli- cants will be assigned responsibilities for general surveillance work (case handling), in the following areas in particular: Free movement of goods (one position); free movement of services and establishment, including the Services Directive (one posi- tion); transport law, aviation and mar- itime law and security in particular (one position). The Authority may assign to the successful applicant additional or new duties, temporarily or for the duration his or her contract. Essential: l University degree in law, or equivalent, and, preferably, a post-graduate degree in European law, l Very good knowledge of the general framework of the EEA or EU law and expertise in Internal Market law (four freedoms in particular), l Relevant working experience in private and/or public sector, l Excellent command of written and spo- ken English, l Computer literacy, l Ability to work both independently and in a team in an international environ- ment. Desirable: l Knowledge of and familiarity with the functioning of the European Economic Area, and the EFTA States, l Professional experience involving the institutions of the EU and the EEA, l Good understanding of Norwe gian, Icelandic, or German (EFTA languages). Performance indicators: Subject matter knowledge, analytical skills and problem solving, quality and result orientation, compliance with inter- nal rules, processes and instructions, autonomy, motivation to work, personal efficiency and initiative. Conditions : The position is placed at grade A4 of the salary scale, starting at € 81.591,72 per year. Depending on, inter alia, family sta- tus, allowances and benefits apply. Favo - ra ble tax conditions apply. Overview of conditions at thority/vacancies/recruitment-poli- cy. While its staff members shall normally be nationals of one of the three EFTA States party to the EEA Agreement, the Authority will also consider other applications, pri- marily those of nationals of the other States that are party to the EEA Agree - ment. Start date: Summer/autumn 2011 Type and duration of appointment: fixed- term three years contract. Job title : Officer. If considered desirable and in the Authority’s interest, an additional three years contract may be offered. Deadline for application: 8 May 2011 Interviews: May/June 2011 Application must be filled in and sent online at the following address: Questions regarding the post may be posed to Mr Ólafur Einarsson, Director of the Internal Market Affairs Directorate, to +32 (0)2 286 18 73 or Ms Tuula Nieminen, Deputy Director at +32 (0)2 286 18 67. Questions regarding the recruitment process may be posed to Mr Erik J. Eidem, Director of Administration (+32 (0)2 286 18 90) or Ms Sophie Jeannon, HR Assistant (+32 (0)2 286 18 93). The EFTA Surveillance Authority monitors compliance with European Economic Area rules in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, enabling them to participate in the European internal market. In monitoring and enforcing the EEA Agreement, the Authority has powers that correspond to those of the European Commission. The Authority is based in Brussels and operates independently of the EFTA States. The Authority is led by a College which consists of three members appointed by the EEA EFTA States. Internal Market Affairs Officers Árskógum 2, Breiðholti / Mjódd Starf með yngri einstaklingum með langvinna sjúkdóma. Skógarbær leitar að einstaklingi til að sjá um dægra- dvöl og félagsskap fyrir þennan hóp. Þekking og reynsla af langveikum er æskileg. Verkefnið er styrkt er af Lionsklúbbnum Frey í Rekja- vík. Um er að ræða tímabundið verkefni sem hefst í byrjun júni og lýkur í lok ágúst. Starfshlutfall er samkomulag. Upplagt tækifæri fyrir félags- eða sálfræðinema. Umsóknarfrestur er til og með 1. mai næstkomandi. Nánari upplýsingar veitir Helga Tryggvadóttir hjúkru- narfræðingu í síma 5102121 / 8468441 / 5102101 JOB REFERENCE : 04/11 EFTA Surveillance Authority webpage: Role description: The successful applicant will be assigned responsibility for on-the-spot inspections in the EFTA States related to feed and food safety, animal health and animal welfare. However, depending on workload and other requirements, the responsibilities may be changed. Essential: l University degree in veterinary sciences or related sciences, l Knowledge of and familiarity with the functioning of the European Economic Area, and the EFTA States, l Knowledge of EEA legislation and inspec- tion techniques related to food and feed safety, animal health and animal welfare, l Relevant working experience in private and/or public sector, l Excellent oral and written command of English, and an ability to communicate in Norwegian or Icelandic, l Computer literacy, l Ability to work both independently and in a team in an international environ- ment. Desirable: l Professional experience involving the institutions of the EU and the EEA. Performance indicators: Subject matter knowledge, analytical skills and problem solving, quality and result orientation, compliance with inter- nal rules, processes and instructions, autonomy, motivation to work, personal efficiency and initiative. Conditions : The position is placed at grade A4 of the salary scale, starting at € 81.591,72 per year. Depending on, inter alia, family sta- tus, allowances and benefits apply. Fa vo ra - ble tax conditions apply. Overview of con - ditions at: about-the-authority/vacancies/ recruitment-policy. While its staff members shall normally be nationals of one of the three EFTA States party to the EEA Agreement, the Authority will also consider other applications, pri- marily those of nationals of the other States that are party to the EEA Agreement. Start date: Summer/autumn 2011 Type and duration of appointment: fixed- term three years contract. Job title : Officer. If considered desirable and in the Authority’s interest, an additional three years contract may be offered. Deadline for application: 8 May 2011 Interviews: May 2011 Application must be filled in and sent online at the following address: Questions regarding the post may be posed to Mr Ólafur Einarsson, Director of the Internal Market Affairs Directorate, to +32 (0)2 286 18 73, or Olafur Valsson, Deputy Director at +32 (0)2 286 1868 Questions regarding the recruitment process may be posed to Mr Erik J. Eidem, Director of Administration, to +32 (0)2 286 18 90 or Ms Sophie Jeannon, HR Assistant, to +32 (0)2 286 18 93. The EFTA Surveillance Authority monitors compliance with European Economic Area rules in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, enabling them to participate in the European internal market. In monitoring and enforcing the EEA Agreement, the Authority has powers that correspond to those of the European Commission. The Authority is based in Brussels and operates independently of the EFTA States. The Authority is led by a College which consists of three members appointed by the EEA EFTA States. Veterinary inspector
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