Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði - 01.01.1982, Qupperneq 116
Baldur Jónsson
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Stcnderup, Kaupmannahöfn.
Lexicon poeticum = Sveinbjörn Egilsson og Finnur Jónsson. 1931. Lexicon poeticum
antiquce linguœ septentrionalis. 2. útg. S. L. Möllers Bogtrykkcri, Kaupmannahöfn.
Magnús Jónsson. 1957. Tímabilið 1871-1903. Landshöfðingjaiímabilið. Fyrri hluti. Saga
Islendinga 9. Menntamálaráð og Þjóðvinafélag, Reykjavík.
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Páll E. Ólason. Islenzkar æviskrár frá landnámstímum lil ársloka 1940 3. Hiö íslenzka
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Sigfús Blöndal. 1920-1924. íslensk-dönsk orðabók. Rcykjavík.
Skjaldedigtningen = Finnur Jónsson. 1967. Den norsk-islandske skjaldedigtning A 1-2.
Ljósprentun frumútgáfunnar frá 1912-1915. Rosenkilde og Bagger, Kaupmanna-
Stefán Einarsson. 1926. Ritdómur um Islandsk Grammatik. Island.sk Nutidssprog eftir
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— . 1928-29. On Some Points of Icelandic Dialectal Pronunciation. Acta Philologica
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Valtýr Guömundsson. 1922. lslandsk Grammatik. Islandsk Nutidssprog. H. Hagerups
Forlag, Kaupmannahöfn.
de Vries, Jan. 1961. Altnordisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. E. .1. Brill, Leiden.
In Icelandic, laterals and nasals are, asa rule, voiceless before/p, t, k/(hjálp,skemmtun,
banki, etc.) and the same is even true for a dental fricative before /k/ (maðkur).
In the Northeast of Iceland, however, the voiced pronunciation of /, m, n before /p,
t, k/ and of a dental fricative before /k/ is quite common and is characteristic for that
part of the country. This latter feature has been called „voiced pronunciation" as op-
posed to the more widespread „voicelesspronunciation".
In the voiccd pronunciation, the cluster It has spccial status. Somc spcakcrs always
devoicc / before /t/ evcn though / is voiced in the clusters Ik, Ip. Some other spcakers
somctimes voicc and somctimcs devoicc / before /t/ according to special rules. This
second dialectal feature is the subjcct of this paper whcrc it is called „tvenns konar
/í“ or „tvenns konar /í-framburður“. In this summary, it is termed as the „special
/í“. — Thc third possibility, viz., that / is always voiced before/t/, does not exist.
Voiccd / before /t/ is definitely in rctreat so that thc special /(-pronunciation mcrges
with thc ordinary voiced pronunciation which, in turn, is losing ground for the voiceless
pronunciation in most parts of the country. The geographical distribution of the special