Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði - 01.01.1982, Page 219
Um lýsingarhátt nútíðar
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This article deals with the rather complex properties of the forms generally referred
to as present participle (prp.) in Modern Icelandic. Thc first chapter is an ovcrview
of the usage of forms of this sort and it is shown that they can be of four types, i. e.
function as substantives, adverbs, adjectives or as verb forms. In some constructions,
it is not always clear whether a prp-form should be considered an adjective or a verb
form. This is especially true of constructions with vera ‘be’ (sometimes referred to as
predicative constructions).
Thc main purpose of the article is to describe the usage of prp-forms in constructions
with vera and several related constructions. The difference between prp-forms corre-
sponding to intransitive verbs on the one hand and transitive verbs on the other is
found to be crucial here and therefore these are dealt with in separate chapters, i.
e. in chapters 2 and 3.
In chapter 2, it is shown that prp-forms corresponding to intransitive verbs are used
in three different ways. First, prp-forms corresponding to stative verbs are used with
vera in a construction that is in a complementary distribution with the so-called pro-
gressive construction (vera að ‘be’ + inf.), the latter being used with non-stative verbs
in the same meaning: