Almanak Hins íslenska þjóðvinafélags


Almanak Hins íslenska þjóðvinafélags - 01.01.1877, Page 21

Almanak Hins íslenska þjóðvinafélags - 01.01.1877, Page 21
42 Isis '9 Fortuna 79 Eurynome Parthenope »7 Thetis 46 Hestia 29 Amphitrite 5 Astræa J3 Egeria 32 Ponrona H Irene 56 Melete 7o Panopea 53 Calypso 78 Diana 23 Thalia 37 Fides '5 Eunomia 50 Virginia 66 Maja 26 Proserpina 73 Clytia 3 Juno 75 Eurydice 77 Frigg 64 Angelina 34 Circe 58Concordia 54 Alexandra 59 EIpis (Olympia) 80 Sappho. 81 Terpsichore. 82 Alkmene. 83 Beatrice. 84 Clio. 85 Io. 86 Semele. 87 Sylvia. 88 Thisbe. 89 Julia. 90 Antiope. 91 Ægina. 92 Undina. 93 Minerva. 94 Aurora. 95 Arethusa. ár d. 3 297 3298 3299 3 3°S 3 327 7 31 50 51 61 62 70 82 86 4 94 4 96 4109 4 110 4 '13 4118 4 120 4 I29 4I31 41.33 4 I36 4 >4i 4148 4155 4 168 4 >73 2.440 .442 2.444 2 453 2.474 2.526 2.556 2-577 2-577 2.589 2.590 2.599 2.613 2.619 2.626 2.628 2.642 2.644 2.649 2.654 2.656 2.666 2.669 2.671 2.674 2.678 2.687 2.699 2.709 2.713 mill. 5°-4 50.4 5°-5 50.6 51-0 51.2 52.8 53-2 53-2 S3-6 53-6 53- 8 54- ° 54-2 54-3 54-4 54.6 54-7 54.8 54-9 54- 9 55- i 55-2 55-2 55-3 55-4 55-6 55-8 56.1 56.1 45 Eugenia 38 Leda 36 Atalante 71 Niobe 55 Pandora 1 Ceres 41 Daphne 39 Lætitia 2 Pallas 28 Bellona 74 Galathea 68 Leto 33 Polyhymnia 47 Aglaia 22 Calliope 16 Psyche 35 Leucothea 60 Danaé 69 Hesperia 49 Pales 52 Europa 48 Doris 62 Erato 24 Themis 10 Hygiea 31 Euphrosyne 57 Mnemosyne 76 Freyja 65 Cybele (Maximilian) 96 Aegle. 97 Clotho. 98 Janthe. 99 Dike. 100 Hecate. 101 Helena. 102 Miriam. 103 Hera. 104 Ciymene 105 Artemis. 106 Dione. 107 Camilla. 108 Hecuba. 109 Felicitas. 110 Lydia. 111 Ate. 112 Iphigenia. 113 Amaíthea. 114 Cassandra. 115 Thyra(Þyri) 116 Sirona. 117 Lomia. 118 Peitho. 119—. 120 Lachesis 121 —. 122 Gerda (Gerðr). 123 Brunhilda (Brynhildr). 124 Alceste. 125 Liberatrix ár d. 4 >76 4 '79 4 206 4 210 4214 4219 4 220 4 224 4224 4 228 4230 4232 43'° 4326 4 353 5 0 5 77 5 77 5132 5 148 5 i67 5 '76 5 200 5 208 5 2'6 5223 5 223 6 85 6 119 7'9 723 mill. q6.2 56-3 75°!56-8 756 57-° 760 766 767 770 770 775 778 780 866 881 910 924 .004 .004 62.1 57-° 57-1 57-2 57-2 57-2 57-4 57-5 57-5 59-2 59.(5 60.1 60.4 62.1 63.2 63- 6 64.1 64- 3 0Ó2 ,080 IOO .IIO •'3i|64-7 142 64.9 -i4965-i 156 65.2 157 65-2 .38ó 429 70.0 70.7 126 Velleda 127 Jóhanna 128 Nemesis. 12Q Antigone. 130 Elektra. 131 Vala. 132 Æthra. 133 Cyrene. 134 Sophrosyne 135 Hertha. 136 Austria. 137 Melibæa. 138 Tolosa. 139 —• 140 Siva. 14.1 Lumen.


Almanak Hins íslenska þjóðvinafélags

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