Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1966, Síða 18

Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1966, Síða 18
16 AUGLÝSINGAR Compliments of CORONET PRINTERS LTD. SUnset 3-0971 - SU 3-7376 532 Agnes St. Winnipeg 10, Man. HALLDOR SIGURDSSON and Son Limiied Laihing and Plastering Coniractor Phone SPruce 2-6860 — SPruce 2-1272 1410 Erin St. 526 Arlington St. WINNIPEQ Compliments of . . . W. F. DAVIDSON CROWN TRUST BUILDING Telephone: WHitehall 2-7037 Winnipeg 1 Monitobo Apartment Building Management and Maintenance HEILLAÓSKIR frá "FRÓN”, Winnipegdeild ÞjóC- ræknisfélags Islendinga I Vestur- heimi. PæriS ykkur t nyt hiS ágæta bóka- safn I byggingu félagsins, 652 Home Str. TALLIN, KRISTJANSSON, PARKER, MARTIN & MERCURY 210 Osbome St. North Telephone SPruce 5-8171 Winnipeg 1, Manitoba GOODALL PHOTO COMPANY FILMS DEVELOPED FREE FILMS WITH FILMS DEVELOPED SIZES 120, 127, 620 321 Carlton St. WINNIPEG Ph. WH. 2-8927 W. Goodall, Owner MODERN DAIRIES LTD. "You can't beat our milk, but you can whip our cream" H. J. LAWRIE LUDLOW Barrister, Solicitor 4th Fl. Crown Trust Bldg., Winnipeg WHiteholl 2-4135 Res. HUdson 9-7920 INDEPENDENT FISH CO. LTD. 941 Sherbrook St., Winnipeg Producers & Distributors FRESH WATER FISH Imporiers — Smoked — Cured Fish We specialize in all Sea Foods. PHONE SP 4-4547
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Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga

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