Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1966, Síða 63

Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1966, Síða 63
the icelandic student society in winnipeg 45 11. Vocal solo Mrs. W. H. Paulson 12. Song Wesley Quartette 13. Vocal solo H. Thorolfsson Among the founders of the Stu- dents Society as well as in years to come, there wei'e several young people of promise, some of whom in their college days won the high- est academic honors. Ingvar Buason was one of the young men of promise. Born in Ice- land, in 1873, he arrived with his family in Manitoba (New Iceland), in 1887. After only one year of public school, he proceeded to Manitoba College, where he attended for six years, for his secondary and college education, graduating in 1902. The year 1902 was a memorable °ne for Ingvar Buason. He was an active worker in the Good Templar Order and shortly after graduation he attended an international I.O.G.T. convention in Stockholm as a dele- gate of the Grand Lodge of Mani- i°ba. More important, he was mar- ried that summer to a young lady ^ho was also an active member of the Order, Gudrun Johannsdottir. n the fall of the year he enrolled the Medical College, but failing ealth prevented him from continu- lng his studies beyond First Year. Untimely death cut short Ingvar uason’s career in 1904. His funeral, e°nducted from St. Paul’s Church, ^5 *he corner of Notre Dame and ^ena (Sherbrook) attested to the esteem in which he was held. Ingvar Búason. There were six hundred present and two ministers took part in the ser- vice. Thorvaldur Thorvaldsson was a brilliant student, and already in his student days prominent in the Uni- tarian movement. Born in Iceland, in 1879, he arrived with the family in Manitoba, in New Iceland, in 1887. He attended collegiate in Winnipeg in 1897, and after the New Year of 1898 he commenced his studies at Wesley College. He graduated with a First Class standing, in 1902. In the fall of that year he proceeded to Harvard University, where he re-
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Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga

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