Læknablaðið - 01.12.1963, Síða 66
Many years ago a wise old
friend pointed out to me tliat
there are only two ways of get-
ting a donkey to move — liold
a carrot in front of him or ap-
ply a stiek behind. I deprecate
the use of a stick so I am per-
suaded that somehow or other
we must find the right carrot.
It is perhaps difficult to see how
this is to be accomplished partic-
ularly wlien the rewards of
practice are so often measured
not so much by the quality of
the service given as by the
number of patients treated.
In my remarks I have tried
to sketch for you the broad
aspects of Post Graduate study
— each and every facet of tliis
could be the suhject of a sepa-
rate paper. The important thing
I believe which we have to learn
from this review wliich I have
tried to give is tliat Post Grad-
uate education to-day is of
fundamental importance to
every doctor, tliat it is some-
thing which is so complex as
to demand organization and
that when we are trying to de-
vise some Post Graduate activ-
ity we must arrange it against
tlie hackground of tlie whole
plan and in co-operation with
the many, many interests wliich
are involved.
Aðalfundur L.N.V. var haldinn
á Sauðárkróki sunnudaginn 23.
júní 1963, og liófst hann að
loknu horðhaldi kl. 14.30.
Félagar eru ellefu, níu gjald-
skyldir og tveir gjaldfrjálsir, og
voru þeir báðir fjarverandi.
Þessir læknar voru á fundin-
um: Ölafur Þ. Þorsteinsson og
Sigurður Sigurðsson, Siglufirði;
Valgarð Björnsson, Hofsósi;
Friðrik J. Friðriksson og Ólaf-
ur Sveinsson, Sauðárkróki; Sig-
ursteinn Guðmundsson, Blöndu-
ósi; Lárus Jónsson, Höfðakaup-
stað; Þórarinn Ólafsson,
Hvammstanga, og ísleifur Hall-
dórsson, Hólmavík. Tvo lækna
vantaði á fundinn, þá Jóhann
Lárus Jónasson, Blönduósi, og
Halldór Ivristinsson, Siglufirði.
Formaður setti fundinn og
stjórnaði honum.
Nýir félagar voru hoðnir vel-
komnir á fundinn.
Þá minntist formaður nokkr-