

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1967, Blaðsíða 73

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1967, Blaðsíða 73
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 263 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ English Index 1967 Lœknablaðið is published jointly by the Icelandic Medical Association and the Medical Association of Reykjavík; it appears bimonthly, six issues covering a yearly volume. Original articles are as a rule summarized in English, but it is the intention of the Editors to provide foreign readers with a yearly English index as well, briefly summarizing original papers. Reprints are obtainable from LÆKNABLAÐIÐ, Domus Medica, Reykjavik, Iceland. Original articles will also be provided in translation for a small fee. THE EDITORS. Vol. 53:3; June 1967: pp. 68—78: Þórarinsson, H., J. Hallgrímsson, Ó. Bjarnason, G. F. Petersen: Pulmonary Cancer in Iceland in the Period 1931—1961 197 cases of primary lung cancer during above period are presented. Female incidence is relativeiy high; male—female rates being 2.8:1 in the period 1931—1954 and 1.9:1 in the later period. — In an extensive English summary all main factors of typing, treatment and prognosis are elaborated. pp. 113—117: Hallgrimsson, J.: Gestagen—Östrogen. A survey on Gestagen—Östrogen effects, use, indications and contrain- dications of pregnancy — preventive treatment is given. Vol. 53:1,; August 1967: pp. 132—151: Ahlström, C. G.: Virus and Cancer, the Unsolved Riddle. A Dungal Memorial Lecture held by a distinguished Swedish patho- logist extensively reviewing the results of the research on the virogenesis of cancer. (Published in Swedish). pp. 154—162: Ólafsson, Ó.: Epidemiology and General Health Surveys. A surveys on the indications and methodological approach to General Population Health Surveys. Extensive Literature references. Vol. 53:5; October 1967: pp. 169—189: Ólafsson, Ó.: Generál Population Study of Cardiovascular Diseases. Further discussion on methodological approach to general population studies accompanied by an extensive review in English. Vol, 53:6; December 1967: pp. 229—238: Jensson, Ó., B. Júiíusson, V. Arnórsson, B. Johnsen: Trisomy and Translocation of the D 113—15) Group of Chromosomes. Case description of male baby with multiple congenital malformations caused by trisomy and translocation within the D (13—15) group of chromosomes. Extensive English summary.
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