

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1968, Qupperneq 46

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1968, Qupperneq 46
72 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ koma á í veg fyrir fávitahátt af þessum orsökum, er nauðsynlegt, að réttar rannsóknir séu gerðar í tíma og meðferð hafin, jafnvel áður en niðurstöður eru kunnar, til þess að dýrmætum tíma sé ekki sóað. SUMMARY Two children with hypoglycemia are presented to illustrate some of the clinical features of this condition, and the laboratory in- vestigation, that may be necessary for diagnosis and treatment. The main causes of hypoglycemia in infancy and childhood are discussed with a brief description of the therapeutic management. The clinical manifestations can be quite variable and inconstant, especially during infancy. Early diagnosis and treatment seems to be mandatory to prevent death or permanent brain damage. This can only be avoided if pediatricians and other physicians remain alert to the fact that hypoglycemia is not uncommon in infants and children. Since the etiology is still unknown in most instances of hypoglycemia in children, further studies of their carbohydrate metabolism will be extremely important. Heimildir: 1. Aballi, A. J.: Disturbances of carbohydrate metabolism in infantile malnutrition. Revista Cuba. Pediat. 22:509, 1950. 2. Anderson, E. P., Kalckar, H. M., Kurahashi, K. og Isselbacher, K. J.: A specific enzymatic assay for the diagnosis of congenital gal- actosemia. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 50:469, 1957. 3. Broberger, O. og Zetterström, R.: Hypoglycemia with an inability to increase the epinephrine secretion in insulininduced hypogly- cemia. J. Pediat. 59:215, 1961. 4. Cochrane, W. A., Payne, W. W., Simpkiss, M. J. og Woolf, L. I.: Familial hypoglycemia precipitated by amino acids. J. Clin. Invest. 35:411, 1956. 5. Cohen, S. L., Legg, S. og Bird, R.: A bedside method of blood- glucose estimation. Lancet 2:883, 1964. 6. Colle, E. og Ulstrom, R. A.: Ketotic hypoglycemia. J. Pediat. 64:632, 1964. 7. Combs, J. I., Grunt, J. A. og Brandt, I. K.: New syndrome of neonatal hypoglycemia. New Eng. J. Med. 275:236, 1966. 8. Cornblath, M. og Schwartz, R.: Disorders of Carbohydrate Meta- bolism in Infancy. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Co., 1966. 9. Cornblath, M., Rosenthal, I. M., Reisner, S. H., Wybregt, S. H. og Crane, R. K.: Hereditary fructose intolerance. New Eng. J. Med. 269:1271, 1963.
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