

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1973, Page 20

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1973, Page 20
240 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 17. Murray, D. J. Computer makes the sche- dules for nurses. Modern Hosyital p. 104- 105. Dec. 1971. 18. O’Connor, M. L. et al. A Computer-Assisted Information System for Anatomic Patho- logy. Am. J. Clin. Path. 59: March, 1973. 19. Pearlman, M. H. et al. An automated „Well Baby“ questionnaire. Pediatrics 51:6. June 1973. 20. Robinson III, R. E., Meschan, I. Computer- ized Radiological Reporting with Word Re- trieval MT/ST. Radiology 101:323-9. 1971. 21. Schneiderman, H., Muller, R. L. Computer- Based exercice in clinical problem solving. J.A.M.A. Jan. 17, 1972. 22. Seibert, S. et al. Utilization of Computer equipment and techniques in prescription processing Drug Intelligence 1: Nov., 1967. 23. Sigurösson, S. Fyrirhugaðar samrannsókn- ir berklarannsóknarstofnunar Sameinuðu þjóðanna og berklavarna hér á landi. Lœknablaöiö 36:6. tbl. 1952. 24. Sigurðsson, S. Heilsufarsspjaldskrá. Heil- brigt líf 10:1.-2. hefti, bls. 62-63. 1950. 25. Sister Emmanuel, D. C., Dauphinais, R. J. A survey on the utilization of computers for pharmaceutical practice in hospitals. Drug Intelligence 2:118. 1968. 26. Sjögren, I. Patient Scheduling System. IBM Medical Center, Stockholm. October 1971. 27. Slack, W. V. et al. A computer-based medical-history system. N. Engl. J. Med. Jan. 27, 1966. 28. Soutter, J. C. A Regional Health Care Data Bank for the County of Los Angeles. IBM Medical Center, Stockholm. Febr., 1972. 29. Stead, W. W. et al. Computer-Assisted Interview of Patients with Functional Headache. Arch. Intern. Med. 129: June 1972. 30. Taylor, T. R. et al. Study of cost-conscious computer-assisted diagnosis in thyroid dis- ease. The Lancet. July 8, 1972. 31. Whitby, J. L., Blair, N. Data Processing ín Hospital Bacteriology: Experience of 18 months’ trial. J. Clin. Patli. 25:338. 1972.



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