

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1974, Page 6

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1974, Page 6
108 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ' a\ ^ med kvedj ju frá höfundi ASJ y/ RIT SEND LÆKNABLAÐINU Erik Allander, Ásmundur Brekkan, Hans Idbohrn, Jón Thorsteinsson, Ólafur Ól- afsson, Nikulás Sigfússon & Kai Sievers: Is N0rgaard’s radiological sign for early rheumatoid arthritis reliable? Scand. J. Rheumatology 2:161. 1973. G. H. Gunnlaugsson, J. G. Hallgrímsson, J. L. Sigurðsson, W. P. Cleland & A. J. Mearns: Complete traumatic avulsion of the innominate artery from the aortic arch with a unique mechanism of in- jury. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 66:235. 1973. Loftur Magnússon and Ragnar Törnquist: Incipient lesions in angiomatosis retinae. Acta Ophthalmologica 51:152. 1973. Torkell Jóhannesson and Bernard A. Becker: Morphine Analgesia in Rats at Various Ages. Acta pharmacol. et Toxi- col 33:429. 1973. Gunnar Guðmundsson: Primary Subara- chnoid Hemorrhage in Iceland. Stroke 4:764. 1973. Kjartan R. Guðmundsson, Sverrir Berg- mann, Ottó J. Björnsson & Ásgeir B. Ellertsson: Further Studies on Multiple Sclerosis in Iceland. Journal of the neurological Sciences 21:47. 1974. Johannes Nielsen, Ástráður B. Hreiðarson & Kirsten Riber Christensen: D/D trans- locations in patients with mental illness. Hereditas 75:131. 1973. Johannes Nielsen, Ursula Friedrich & Ást- ráður B. Hreiðarson: Frequency and Genetic Effect of lqh-)-. Hxunangenetik 21:193. 1974. Johannes Nielsen, Ursula Friedrich, Ást- ráður B. Hreiðarson & Eva Zeuthen: Frequency of 9qh-|- and Risk of Chromo- some Aberrations in the Progeny of Individuals with 9qh+. Humangenetik 21:211. 1974. Johannes Nielsen and Ástráður B. Hreið- arson: Father and Daughter with Presumptive Isochromosome Satellites. Short Arms D or G. Humangenetik 19: 271. 1973. A. B. Hreiðarson, J. Nielsen and Sheila Berggren: Presumptive Y/15 trans- location and mental retardation in a family with a case of Klinefelter s syn- drome. Joumal of Mental Deficiency Re- search 17:163. 1973.



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