

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1974, Side 38

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1974, Side 38
128 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ andi kliniskra stiga leghálskrabbameins, sem finnast í Leitarstöð B miðað við þau leghálskrabbamein, sem greind voru áður með venjulegri læknisskoðun. Þannig voru 80-90% af þeim ífarandi legháls- krabbameinum, sem greind voru í Leitar- stöð B á fyrstu 3 árunum, á I. stigi,5 en af þeim leghálskrabbameinum, sem greind voru á öllu landinu á árunum 1955-1964 voru aðeins 35% á þessu stigi.7 Gera má ráð fyrir, að þetta verki í þá átt að bæta heildarárangur af meðferð til muna, enda þótt þess sjáist ekki merki í lækkun dán- artíðni, fyrr en að mörgum árum liðnum. SUMMARY Results of the Cancer detection clinic B of the Icelandic Cancer Society for uterine can- cer during its first six and a half years of operation, is reported. A total of 84 malignant. tumors were detected. Of these 61 (72.6%) were found by cytological screening, 58 in- vasive cervical carcinomas and 3 adenocar- cinomas of the uterine corpus and 23 (27.4%) other malignancies were detected by gyneco- logical examination (cf. table VII). The number of women screened once were 28.1ÍJL and 12.175 were screened twice. Ap- proximately 83 per cent of cases found to have invasive carcinoma of the cervix by this mass screening were in gynecological stage IA or IB. In the screening programme 24.5 per cent of the female population never par- ticipated. Unscreened women, in particular elderly women, who were diagnosed during the period with cervical carcinoma, contribute significantly to the numbers of the more ad- vanced cases with higher mortality rate (cf. table II). No changes in mortality rates from car- cinoma of the cervix can as yet be observed after the 6% years period of mass screening. HEIMILDIR 1. a. Alma Þórarinsson, Ólafur Jensson, Ól- afur Bjarnason. Krabbameinsleit hjá konum með fjöldarannsókn. Lœkna- blaðiS 52:145-157. 1966. 2. b. Alma Þórarinsson, Ólafur Jensson, Ól- afur Bjarnason. Masseundersögelser med henblik pá collum cancer. Nordisk Medicin 78:1608-1611. 1967. 3. c. Alma Þórarinsson, Ólafur Jensson, Ól- afur Bjarnason. Screening for Uterine Cancer in Iceland. Acta Cytologica 13: 304-307. 1969. 4. Green, G. H. The significance of cervical carcinoma in situ. A. J. Obstet. Gynec. 94: 1009-1022. 1966. 5. Guðmundur Jóhannesson. Krabbamein í leghálsi. Árangur meðferðar á íslandi ár- in 1955-1966. Lœknablaöiö 54:190-208. 1968. 6. MacGregor, E., Fraser, M. E., Mann, E. Improved Prognosis for Cervical Cancer due to Comprehensive Screening. Acta Cytologica 16:14-15. 1972. 7. Ólafur Bjarnason. Uterine Carcinoma in Iceland. Doktorsritgerð. Reykjavik. Prent- smiðjan Hólar 1963. 8. Pedersen, E., Höeg, K., Kolstad, P. Mass Screening for Cancer of the Uterine Cer- vix in Östfold County. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. Supplement 11, 5-18. 1971. 9. Petersen, O. Precancerous changes of the cervical epithelium in relation to manifest cervical carcinoma. Acta Radiol. suppl. 127:1-168. 1955. 10. Ringertz, O. E. N., Nasiell, M. Cytological Cervical Cancer Detection in Sweden. 4th International Congress of Cytology. London 1971. May 23-27.



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