

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1987, Síða 14

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1987, Síða 14
8 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ exposed in paint occupation for four years while they served their apprenticeship. The study population was defined as all male painters on record in a published file of »Icelandic Painters«, who had served their apprenticeship and who had been certified as painters. Informations of death occuring between 1951 and 1983 was obtained through the Statistical Bureau of Iceland. The vital status could be ascertained for all subjects. Expected death rates were calculated, based on the national rates for males in the corresponding age groups. The total number of deaths from all causes was less than expected for the whole study period (91 versus 120.23) and SMR did not exceed 1.0 for all causes of deaths with 20 and 30 years latent periods or with restrictions to those born between 1905 to 1945 or to any special entrance to the cohort. The SMR were higher than 2 for cancer of kidney, cancer of brain and other parts of nervous system and leukemia in the total cohort, however, none of these reached statistical significance. When restricting the cohort to those born 1905 to 1945 and making allowance for a latent period of 30 year three deaths from cancer of kidney were found against 0.57 expected, SMR 5.88, statistically significant at the 5% level. It is concluded that the results do not indicate any important hazard that was previously unsuspected. The possible harmful effects of organic solvents on the central nervous function of painters are of course not detected by mortality study of this type. HEIMILDIR 1. Neverland P. Nágra vanliga lackmaterial sammansattning och hálsorisker. Stockholm: Sveriges Mekanförbund, 1976. 2. Chronic effects of organic solvents on the central nervous system and diagnostic criteria. Report on a Joint WHO/Nordic Council of Ministers Working Group. Copenhagen: World Health Organization, Nordic Council of Ministers, 1985. 3. Viadana E, Bross IDJ. Leukemia and occupations. Prev Med 1972; 1: 513-21. 4. Vigliani E. Leukemia associated with benzene exposure. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1976; 271: 143-9. 5. National Cancer Institute. Report on carcinogenic bioassay of chloroform. Carcinogenesis Program, Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention. Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute, National 21. Institute of Health, 1976. 6. Stockwell HG, Matanoski GM. A case-control study of lung cancer in painters. J Occup Med 1985; 22. 27: 125-6. 7. Englund A. Cancer incidence among painters and some allied trades. J Toxico Environ Health 1980; 16: 1267-73. 8. Milham SJr. Occupational mortality in Washington state 1950-71. Washington DC: US Public Health Service, 1967. 9. Registrar General. Decennial supplement for England and Walse: 1951 occupational mortality Part II. Volume 1. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1958. 10. Registrar General. Decennial supplement for England and Walse: Occupational mortality 1970-72. London: Her Majesty’s Sationery Office, 1976. 11. US Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Occupational characteristics of disabled workers by disabling condition: Disability insurance benefits awards made in 1959-62 to men under age 65. Washington DC: Public Health Service publication (1531), 1967. 12. Matanoski GM, Stockwell HG, Diamond EL, Haring-Sweeny M, Joffe RD, Mele LM, Johnson ML. A cohort mortality study of painters and allied tradesmen. Scand J Work Environ Health 1986; 12: 16-21. 13. Viadana E, Bross IDJ, Houten L. Cancer exerience of men exposed to inhalation of chemicals or to cumbustion products. J Occup Med 1976; 18: 787-92. 14. Williams RR, Stegens NL, Goldsmith JR. Associations of cancer site and type with occupation and industry from the third national cancer survey interview. J Natl Cancer Inst 1977; 59: 1147-85. 15. MacMahon B, Pugh TF. Epidemiology, principles and methods. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1970. 16. Axelson O. Epidemiolgi för arbets- och miljömedicin. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 1981. 17. Guðlaugsson K. íslenskir málarar, brot úr sögu þeirra og málaratal. Reykjavík: Málarameistarafélag Reykjavíkur, 1982. 18. Documenta Geigy. Scientific tables, 7th ed. Basel: Ciba-Geigy, 1971. 19. Rafnsson V, Jóhannesdóttir SG. Rannsókn á dánarmeinum meðal múrara á íslandi tímabilið 1951-1982. Læknablaðið 1985; 71: 98-103. 20. Rafnsson V, Jóhannesdóttir SG, Oddsson H, Benediktsson H, Tulinius H, Magnússon G. Dánarmein og nýgengi krabbameina hjá vélstjórum og mótorvélstjórum. Læknablaðið 1985; 71: 226-32. Wen CP, Tsai SP, Gibson RL. Anatomy of the healthy worker effect: A critical review. J Occup Med 1983; 25: 283-9. Colton T. Statistics in medicine. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1974.



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