

Læknablaðið - 15.07.1996, Side 29

Læknablaðið - 15.07.1996, Side 29
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1996; 82 521 Nýgengi og greining miðtaugakerfisgalla hjá fóstrum og nýburum á íslandi 1972-1991 Guörún Hreinsdóttir11, Reynir Tómas Geirsson1’, Jóhann Heiöar Jóhannsson2’, Hulda Hjartardóttir1), Gunnlaugur Snædal1) Hreinsdóttir G, Geirsson RT, Jóhannsson JH, Hjartardóttir H, Snædal G Prevalence and diagnosis of neural tube malfor- mations in lceland 1972-1991 Læknablaðið 1996; 82: 521-7 Objective: The incidence and types of central nervous system (CNS) defects diagnosed in fetuses and newborns over a 20-year period, 1972-1991, were investigated. Concurrently the effect of prena- tal ultrasound screening on the rates of delivered babies with neural tube defects were evaluated. Material and method: All CNS defects diagnosed in newborn babies and in miscarried or legally abort- ed fetuses in Iceland during the study period were searched for using the Icelandic Birth and Abortion Registries. For ascertainment maternity case rec- ords, hospital records and autopsy and pathology reports were scrutinized. The number and types of defects were noted for each year and the prevalence evaluated for five- and 10-year periods as well as for the time after introduction of organised obstetric ultrasound screening. Results: There was considerable yearly variation in the incidence of CNS defects. In the first five-year period no CNS defect was diagnosed prenatally, but thereafter the number of cases diagnosed before birth rose, partly because of improved identification Frá '’Kvennadeild Landspítalans, 2,Rannsóknastofu Há- skóla íslands í meinafræði. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Reynir Tómas Geirsson, Kvennadeild Landspítalans, 101 Reykja- vík. Lykilorð: Prenatal diagnosis, fetal diseases, neural tube defects, central nervous system, ultrasonography. of more subtle defects. In spite of an increase in the number of cases to 2.2/1000 births, the incidence of babies born with CNS defects was more than halved to 0.8/1000 births. Organised nationwide ultrasound screening in and after 1984 had a marked lowering effect on the number of births with these defects. In 60% of cases the diagnosis was obtained before birth, most often before 22 weeks gestation. Most severe malformations were diagnosed, except for spina bifida, where after 1984 only 40% were diag- nosed early enough to allow termination of preg- nancy. Conclusion: The incidence of CNS defects has risen, probably because of improved recognition of these malformations during pregnancy and to some extent after birth. Organised obstetric ultrasound allowed diagnosis of most severe defects, although 1/3 of defects leading to severe handicap went undi- agnosed until after birth, particularly in smaller hos- pitals and health centers outside Reykjavik. Improv- ing the diagnostic possibilities through training of staff handling obstetric screening is important, but the introduction of nationwide biochemical screen- ing must also be considered. Ágrip Tilgangur: Nýgengi og tegundir miðtauga- kerfisgalla sem greindust hjá fóstrum og nýbur- um á 20 ára tímabilinu 1972-1991 voru könnuð. Jafnframt voru athuguð áhrif skimunar með ómskoðun á greiningu og tíðni þessara galla hjá nýfæddum börnum. Efniviður og aðferðir: Allir miðtaugakerfis- gallar sem greindust hjá nýburum eða fóstrum eftir síðkomin fósturlát eða fóstureyðingu voru leitaðir uppi með athugun á fæðingartilkynn- ingum og, eftir því sem við átti, mæðraskrám, sjúkraskrám og gögnum um fóstureyðingar,



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