

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1998, Qupperneq 19

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1998, Qupperneq 19
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1998; 84 921 Orsakagreining heilablóðþurrðar á endurhæfinga- og taugadeild Borgarspítalans 1994 Einar M. Valdimarsson, Garðar Sigurðsson, Finnbogi Jakobsson Valdimarsson EM, Sigurðsson G, Jakobsson F Etiology and treatment of cerebral ischemia at the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine at Reykjavík City Hospital Læknablaðið 1998; 84: 921-7 Objectives: This is the first Icelandic study in which the etiology of cerebral ischemia is examined. The goal of the study was to examine how the etiology of cerebral infarcts and transient ischemic attacks was determined at the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine at Reykjavík City Hospital and how the patients were treated. Material and methods: The study was retrospective and included 102 patients with cerebral infarcts and transient ischemic attacks that were admitted to the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medi- cine at Reykjavík City Hospital in 1994. Patients with cerebral hemorrhage were excluded. The patients' mean age was 68.5 years (range 25-89) and the male:female ratio was 59:43. Cerebral compu- terized tomography was obtained from 98 (98%) patients. Carotid ultrasonography was done in 72 (72%) cases and carotid angiogram in 14 (14%) patients. Transthoracic echocardiography was done in 69 (69%) cases and transesophagal echocardio- graphy in the 11 (11%) youngest patients. Results: Of the 102 patients, 79 (79%) had cerebral infarctions and 23 (23%) transient ischemic attacks. Frá taugadeild Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur. Bréfaskipti, fyrir- spurnir: Einar M. Valdimarsson, taugadeild Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur, 108 Reykjavík. Bréfsími: 525 1662. Lykilorð: heilablóðþurrö, heiladrep, skamvinn heilablóð- þurrð, þrenging í hálsæðum, heiladrep vegna smáæða- sjúkdóms, segalindirí hjarta, ómun afhálsi, ómun afhjarta, hálsæðaaögerð. The probable cause of cerebral infarction was cardio- embolic in 21 patients (27%), lacunar infarction in 16 patients (20%) and carotid artery disease in 13 patients (16%). In 37% of the cases the cause was unspecific. The etiology of transient ischemic attacks was carotid artery disease in four patients (17%), cardioembolic in two patients (9%) and lacunar in one patient (4%). In 70% of the cases the cause of transient ischemic attacks was undetermined. Nine of the 102 patients (9%) underwent carotid endarte- rectomy and 15 (15%) were treated with warfarin. Conclusion: A specific etiology was found in % of those with cerebral infarcts and in / of those with transient ischemic attacks. Determination of etiology led to specific preventive treatment in 'A of the patients. Key words: cerebral ischemia, cerebral infarction, tran- sient cerebral ischemia, carotid artery stenosis, lacunar infarction, cardioembolic sources, carotid ultrasonography, echocardiography, carotid endarterectomy. Ágrip Inngangur: Ekki hafa áður verið birtar nið- urstöður rannsókna á Islandi sem lýsa orsökum heilablóðþurrðar. Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að athuga hvernig orsakir heiladreps og skammvinnrar heilablóðþurrðar voru greindar á endurhæfinga- og taugadeild Borgarspítalans árið 1994, hverjar þær voru og hvernig brugð- ist var við þeim. Efniviður og aðferðir: Litið var afturskyggnt á sjúkraskrár allra sjúklinga sem lögðust inn á endurhæfinga- og taugadeild Borgarspítalans árið 1994 með greininguna heiladrep og skamm- vinn heilablóðþurrð, en heilablæðingar voru undanskildar. Meðalaldur hópsins var 68,5 ár (25-89 ára) og hlutfall karla og kvenna 59:43. Tölvusneiðmynd af höfði var framkvæmd hjá 98 (98%) einstaklingum. Ómun af hálsslagæð-
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