Milli mála - 01.01.2012, Page 104
vinnuklárs. Með þessu tungumáli lýsir Rimbereid hestinum sem
dýri, vinnufélaga og bókmenntalegu fyrirbæri. Eklinum er lýst sem
umhyggjusömum húsbónda sem er meðvitaður um samfélagsbreyt-
ingarnar. Samband þeirra byggist á vinnu, trausti og ást. Einingin
hestur og maður er að hverfa úr bæjarmyndinni en heldur áfram í
skáldskapnum. Í lok bókarinnar leysist tungumál ekilsins upp og
rennur saman við tungumál hestsins. Maðurinn er horfinn, væntan-
lega dáinn, og hesturinn er að leita að honum. Sagt er fyrir um
dauða þeirra í ljóðunum. Auk þess að vera hjartnæm lýsing á sam-
starfi og sambandi hests og manns er bókin óður til tíma sem eru
að hverfa inn í heim bókanna.
Lykilorð: Øyvind Rimbereid, ljóðagreining, málfræði, norskar bók-
menntir, hestur
Horse Grammar
This is a literary and grammatical analysis of the long narrative
poem entitled Jimmen by Øyvind Rimbereid, which was nominated
for the 2011 Nordic Literary Prize. The book has two narrators: The
coachman, who drives the kitchen leftovers from the town to a pig
farmer, and his horse. The coachman speaks a dialect from the
Stavanger /Sandnes-area in southwest Norway, while the horse has a
particu larly designed language with special vocabulary, declensions
and syntax. The horse’s language has something in common with
Old Norse, the language of folk songs, archaic Nynorsk and some
dia lects. However since the rules of declension, cases and syntax are
neither according to Old Norse nor modern Norwegian, a new
language is created with its own rules and conditions. The rhythm
is heavy and clumsy like the movements of an old cart horse. With
this language Rimbereid describes the horse as a beast, work mate
and literary phenomenon. The coachman is described as car ing and
conscious of the changes in society. Their relationship is based on
work, trust and love. The unit of coachman and horse is about to
disappear from the streets, but will live on in literature. At the end
of the book the language of the coachman dissolves and merges
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