
Jökull - 01.12.1961, Síða 3

Jökull - 01.12.1961, Síða 3
<550. £ JÖKULL Á R S R I T JÖKLARAN NSÓKNAFÉLAGS ÍSLANDS 11. ÁR REYKJAVÍK 1961 SIGURJÓN RIST: Rannsóknir á Vatnajökli 1960 Hitamælingar, snjómælingar o. fl. Investigations on Vatnajökull in 1960 S U M M A R Y ICE TEMPERATURE. The temperature of the ice was determined at two locations, 64° 26' 06" N; 17° 09' 23" W and 64° 20' 46" N; 17° 24’ 12" W, at elevations 1614 and 1730 meters, respectively. The temperature was mea- sured with a termistor device, in two boreholes drilled for that purpose, lo a dept.h of 27 and 30 meters, respectively. A plastic hose, closed at its bottom end, and filled with Arctic C Heavy Oil, was inserted into each hole upon completion of the drilling, and the oil tempera- ture at various depths measured 60—72 hours later. The results are shown on the graph in Fig. 2. In a second expedition to Vatnajökull, in October 1960, the temperature was measured again and was found to be 0°C in both bore- holes. 2 his result indicates that the Vatnajökull ice cap is a temperate glacier. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. Beside some triangulation work in the Grímsvötn area, the Grimsvötn basin was mapped, and a curve of its area and volume vs. elevation was prepared. The results are reproduced in Fig. 6 and 7. GRAVIMETRIC SURVEY. A gravimetric survey was performed along the route through the southern lowlands — where it was connect- ed with the main gravimelric network of lce- land — to the hut Jökulheirnar, at the western margin of the Vatnajökull ice cap, and from there along a line to Grimsfjall, across the ice cap. The Grimsvötn basin and an area to the east of it were also surveyed. The result of this survey will be published in one of our next issues. DETERMINATION OF THE 1959/1960 WINTER ACCUMULATION. A snow pit was dug on June 14 near the drillhole at 64° 26' 06" N; 17° 09’ 23" W. A section of that pit is shoion in Fig. 3. The limit between the 1958/59—1939/60 ac- cumulation layers was not determined toith LArt' 0S SíÁASAFN 24201o ÍSLANDS



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