
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1961, Qupperneq 25

Jökull - 01.12.1961, Qupperneq 25
JON EYTHORSSON: Report on Sea Ice off the Icelandic Coasts, Oct. 1960 — Sept. 1961 The Icelandic coasts luere jree of drift ice throughout the period. Only a few icebergs were sighted in the vicinity of the northwestern promontories. Distances are given in nautical miles. OCTOBER 1960 Only scattered fields and belts of young ice and blocks along the eastern coasts of Green- land, south of 69° N. Distance from Cape Straumnes about or over 140 miles. 2~10/io Two icebergs were observed daily in this period within 20 miles NE from Cape Horn. 20/ío Eastern boundary of drift ice from 6940/2215 to 7000/2200 to 7000/2100 to 7015/ 2010 to 7050/2000 to 7100/1800 to 7200/1720. 24/io Ice boundary was running roughly from 6915/2200 to 7000/1930 to 7100/1915 to 7130/ 1830 to 7145/1940. 26/io A big iceberg was sighted at 6705/2336. NOVEMBER 1960 The average distance of the boundary of drift ice from Cape Straumnes was at least 100 miles with nearest approach of 80 miles. 8/n Reports only north of 68° N: Eastern boundary from 6810/2430 to 6815/2300 to 6920/1950 to 7030/1930. 8/u From 6830/2130 to 6845/1850 to 7010/ 1845 to 6920/1945 to 6930/1840 to 7020/1730 to 7040/1800 to 7215/1615. i5/n From 6630/3400 to 6730/3200 to 6720/ 3100 to 6737/3020 to 6740/2808 to 6720/2750 to 6740/2600 to 6732/2455 to 6738/2445 to 6800/2445 to 6805/2345 to 6830/2300 to 6820/ 2215 to 6830/2200 to 6840/2230 to 6900/2100 to 7000/1909 to 7030/1800 to 7040/1720. 21/n At 0955 GMT an iceberg was reported 25 miles 330° due off Cape Straumnes and at 2340 GMT the same(?) one was sighted 32 miles off Cape Bardi on the NW-coast of Ice- land. 22/n From 6935/1740 to 6915/1900 to 6930/ 2000 to 6820/2130 to 6858/2116 to 6846/2144 to 6852/2157 to 6815/2330 to 6830/2445 to 6817/2456 to 6745/2800 to 6750/2830 to 6740/ 3100 to 6724/3220 to 6709/3214 to 6648/3352. 28/n Boundary running roughly from 6620/ 3450 to 6630/3330 to 6700/3300 to 6700/3100 to 6720/2930 thence missing to 6800/2500 to 6830/2200 to 6850/2100 to 6850/2000 to 6935/ 1730 to 7000/1800 to 7000/1700. DECEMBER 1960 The average distance of the ice boundary from Cape Straumnes was about 100 miles with nearest approach of 80 miles on 22nd of the montli. 4/i2 An iceberg reported 35 miles NtW of Cape Bardi. !l/i2 A drifting iceberg sighted at 66 N/ 26 W. 15/12 Bounclary drift ice running from 6520/ 3810 to 6530/3600 to 6600/3530 to 6620/3330 to 6650/3320 to 6700/3200 to 6746/3035 to 6733/2952 to 6815/2400 to 6835/2240 to 6910/ 2200 to 7000/1830 to 7015/1800 to 7030/1848 to 7048/1830. 22/12 Eastern boundary of drift ice from 6500/3200 to 6600/3430 to 6730/3110 to 6730/ 2500 to 6750/2300 to 6830/2140 to 6900/2140 to 6915/2030 to 7000/2025 to 7022/1930. JANUARY 1961 The average distance of the ice boundary from Cape Straumnes ivas 70 miles with nearest approach of 50 miles. 2/i Boundary of drift ice from 6650/3045 to 6650/3303 to 6654/2923 to 6712/2855 to 6720/ 2814 to 6717/2741 to 6711/2525 to 6735/2333 to 6835/2140 to 6900/2140 to 7012/1905 to 7005/1835 to 7102/1749 to 7108/1726 to 7203/ 1806 to 7246/1900. is/i From 6530/3530 to 6650/3030 to 6750/ 2900 to 6800/2630 to 6840/2230 to 6920/2045. «/1 From'6650/2520 to 6729/2312 to 6743/ 2305 to 6813/2123 to 6856/2012 to 6903/2014 23
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