
Jökull - 01.12.1961, Side 35

Jökull - 01.12.1961, Side 35
garded as hydrothermal systems, each related to certain relatively large geological structures. The geographical distribution of the major low-temperature systems is given in FIGURE II and some data are given in TABLE II. The magnitude applies in each case to the system as a whole. Moreover, the table contains informat- ion on temperature conditions and drilling per- formed on the individual systems. The subsur- face temperature is characterized by data on the base temperature in the individual thermal areas. This concept will be discussed below. (d) The high-temperature aclivity. There are 13 high-temperature areas, all in the Neo-Volcanic Zone, as shown in FIGURE II. These areas are quite extensive and can prob- ably be regarded as indvidual hydrothermal systems. They are characterized by a great numb- er of steam holes, large areas of hot ground and a very high degree of thermal metamorphism. The total heat ouput of all high-temperature areas has been very roughly estimated at the order of 10° cal/sec. Data on the individual high- temperature areas are given in TABLE III. 4. THE MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HYDROTHERMAL SYSTEMS. (a) Basis concepts. The circulation and heating of water in geo- logic bodies depends on the structural control and the nature of the heat source. Further itemsofin- terest are the depth of the circulation base and the temperature of the water as it enters the up- ward movement. These two concepts will be called the base depth and the base temperature, respectively. Moreover, the total amount of water and heat transported through individual systems is of in- terest. Also, the total amount of surplus heat accumulated in the upstream and discharge zone. A brief discussion of these concepts and topics follows. (b) Structural control. The seismic results given in FIGURE 1 indi- cate a relatively sharp velocity centrast between the flood basalt A and the underlying formation D. In the South-West the P-velocity jumps from 4 to 6 km/sec. The lower formation appears to be a dense and probably an impermeable for mation. It is therefore probable that the circu- lation of the water is confined to the flood ba- salts and that the base depth in the South-West in general does not exceed 2 km. Conditions in the North appear to be com- plicated by the presence of the layer C which is of an unknown composition and permeabili- ty. The maximum base depth may here exceed 3 km. In general, flood basalts may be permeable due to (1) tubes and openings at the contacts of lava beds, (2) columnar structure in and fissures along the walls of instrusive bodies, and (3) re- cent faults. In the literature a considerable emphasis has been placed on the importance of faults. In the case of the low-temperature activity in Iceland the evidence appears to be somewhat on the contrary. Contacts between lava flows as well as dikes and sills appear to furnish the main per- meability. The hot springs in the North are in a great number of cases controlled by dikes. In the South-West the low-temperature activity ap- pears to be largely controllecl by outcropping contacts. The high-temperature areas, on the other hand, appear to be controlled by faults and fissures of relatively recent age. Many of the structures may have been formed or reopened in very recent times. It is possible that the isostatic upwarping of Iceland at the end of the Pleistocene may have influenced the general permeability condi- tions in the floocl basalts. The stresses which were induced by differential movement of the individual blocks may have formed new faults, and also reopened old passages in faults and along dikes. (c) The heat source. The extensive volcanic activity in Iceland immediately suggests a connection between the thermal activity and the volcanism. It is evi- dent that recent volcanic processes can in- fluence the subsurface temperature field and build up the heat sources of thermal activity. This appears to be the case as far as. the high- temperature activity is concerned. All areas of this type are located in regions of post-Glacial and in some cases very recent volcanism. The fissures controlling the areas are closely conn- 33



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