
Jökull - 01.12.1961, Side 43

Jökull - 01.12.1961, Side 43
5. TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS IN BOREHOLES. Borehole temperatures are measured primarily for the purpose of inferring formation tempera- tures. At stationary conditions in a non-flowing borehole the measured data are simply equal to the formation temperature. On the other hand, complications arise from any flow of fluids. Thus the drilling fluid induces instati- onary conditions by cooling or heating the form- ations around the hole. All measurements carried out during or shortly after drilling are therefore seriously affectecl. This effect will be cliscussed below. (a) Experimental technique. Three types of temperature measuring devic- es have been applied, viz. mercury maximum thermometers, electric resistance thermometers and thermometers of the vapour pressure type. (i) Tlie maximum thermometer is a simple and inexpensive device. It has several disacl- vantages, however. First, in practice only mono- tonously increasing temperature-depth relations can be recorded satisfactorily. The use of high- inertia thermometers for decreasing tempera- ture is possible but is quite time consuming. Second, no telerecording is possible. Third, al- though the accuracy may be good the mercury column may tend to drop under hoisting out of the hole. Moreover, the device is slightly sensi- tive to pressure. These disadvantages are quite serious and the maximum thermometer is there- fore not a satisfactory instrument. (ii) The semiconductor resistance thermo- meters, the thermistors, are instruments of a high accuracy which can be used for telere- cording. In routine work an accuracy of 0.1 °C is easily attainable. The accuracy can be increased consiclerably by a careful repeated calibration. Moreover, the thermistor responds relatively rapidly to temperature changes. The thermistor is an ideal instrument for low-temperature boreholes. Experience indicates that the telerecorcling system is reliable up to a temperature of about 150° C. On the other hand, the insulation of the cable and the tlier- mistor-connection presents difficulties at higher temperatures. It is hoped, however, that the insulation difficulties may be resolved. (iii) The temperature recorders basecl on the vapour pressure system are yet the only reliable instruments available for temperatures aliove 150° C. Present instruments are applicable up to 260° C. They are quite rugged devices but the accuracy is only about one °C. Another drawback is a relatively slow response. Several minutes are required for equilibrium. In most high-temperature work, however, this accuracy and response tirne do not impose serious limit- ations. (b) The influence of the drilling fluid. The transient temperature conditions induc- ed by the drilling result mainly from the cool- ing effect of the drilling fluid. This effect is particularly great in modern rotary drilling where circulations up to more than 100 metric tons per liour are applied. The fluid is kept at a relatively low temperature which in drill- ing for natural steam may be as niuch as 150 °C below the formation temperature. At the moment drilling is discontinued, and the circulation comes to rest, the hore- hole temperature will be equal to the tem- perature of the fluid during drilling. The recovery to the formation value is very slow due to the thermal properties of the rock. The relaxation time for a borehole of 1,000 meters, which may be completed in three to four weeks is more than two months. On the other hand, the formation tempera- ture is of fundamental importance and esti- mates of this quantity may be required dur- ing drilling. In natural-heat work the de- cision whether the drilling of a well should be continued or not will in general depend to a large degree on the temperature of the formations penetrated. The question arises whether thc formation temperature can be estimated on the basis of an extrapolation of transient ltorehole data measured durlng breaks in the clrilling operation. The extrapolation of the borehole data in- volves two steps. Firstly, an estimation of the temperature field in the formation at the dril- ling is discontinued. This represents the initial condition for the second step. Secondly, a com- putation of master curves for the temperature rise at the various formation temperatures pos- sible. A matching of the computed curves and a sufficient amount of observed data shoulcl 41



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