
Jökull - 01.12.1961, Blaðsíða 48

Jökull - 01.12.1961, Blaðsíða 48
c/> loí e c i & 500 1000 1500 aooo Tempe 10 50 60 70 8D 90 1C rature 0 1 °c 0 • • • « I • • i • • • ■ » • • « REYKIR THERMAL AREA B0REH0LE G-l FIGURE IV. at a relatively great depth, that is, at about 1.000 meters. It was hoped that the new borehole would reveal the structural importance of the fault and possibly produce water at a higher temperature than the previous boreholes. The borehole was completed at a depth of 1.380 meters. Only insignificant production was obtained from the depth of 670 meters. An accurate temperature survey was carried out with a thermistor when the borehole had reached temperature equilibrium. The results are given in FIGURE IV. The results give a temperature of 98 °C at the small fissure cut at 670 meters. Imme- diately below the fissure the temperature drops to 90 °C, and is fairly constant in the lower part of the borehole. The temperature data are indicative of a horizontal permeable layer at the depth of 670 meters. Moreover, no upflow of thermal water through the fault is indicated. Thus the results appear negative as to the importance of the Tertiary fault line. The Reykir thermal area appears to be controlled by a horizontal layer rather than the fault. None of the older bore- holes had been drilled deep enough, in order to cut the horizontal layer. (c) The Hengill thermal area. This area is one of the great natural-steam areas of Iceland. The southern part of the thermal area, the region around the small com- munity of Flveragerdi, is favourably located as to exploitation. A natural-steam power plant is now planned to be erected in this part of the area. Large scale drilling was initiated in 1958. A total of 8 boreholes has been completed. The clepth v'aries from 300 to 1.200 meters, ancl the e £ E Temp ^ 160 180 200 2 erature°C 20 240 - 0 £ Q. <D Q 200 400 600 800 1000 \ \ 2 HENGILL THERMAL AREA \J . TEMPERATURE IN B0REH0LES T. 1 Borehole G -1 2 Borehole G -7 T \ f r FIGURE V. 46
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