
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1961, Qupperneq 57

Jökull - 01.12.1961, Qupperneq 57
of the new hot water sources in the city. These sources may possibly furnish the basis for an expansion of the system up to a total number of pepole served of 50,000 to 00,000. On the oth- er hand, the sources in the city are no doubt limited and new sources have to be exploited in order to obtain the capacity neccessary in 1970 and the following years. The Krýsuvík project is onc of the main future plans for expansion. Other possibilities may be at hancl but this appears to be a reas- onable next stage. The location of the Krýsuvik area is shown in FIGURE I. This thermal area appears to possess similar physical characteristics as the Hengill area discussed above. The potentialities and the subsurface temperature of both areas appear to be of the same order. Production cost in the Krýsuvik area are therefore assumed to be as those given in column (3) in TABLE II. The Krýsuvik-project involves the supply of heat of about 500 Tcal/year. The medium is ivater at an intake temperature of 185° C which requires that some of the boreholes have to be operated at a pressure of 13 atm abs. The main supply pipeline is projected to deliver the water at a temperature of 180° C. The pipe- line is designed for an average flow of 730 metric tons/hour which involves a pipe of 16 inches i. d. A novel feature of the project is that about i/2 of the heat transported is to be delivered in form of steam at a pressure of 2,75 atm abs to industries in the Reykjavik arca. This steam is obtained by flashing the water at a tempera- ture of 130° C. The main features, temperatures and the flow sheet of the project are given in FIGURE II. The distribution system for the domestic heating is divided into parts. One part is a two- pipe return system which utilizes the tempera- ture range from 130° to 90° and the second part is a single-pipe system utilizing the lower temperature range. The total investment in the project, includ- ing the distribution system, but excluding the boreholes is estimated at $ 8 million. The price per unit heat consumed is estimated at ap- proximately 4.00 $/Gcal and 2.00 .j»/Gcal for respectively the domestic and the industrial system. These prices are based on the computed operation cost less taxes and profits. REFEREN CES. Bodvarsson, G.: Physical characteristics of nat- ural heat resources in Iceland. Conference on New Sources of Energy, Rome (1961). Published in Jökull, vol. 11. 1961. Einarsson, S.: 15 MW geothermal power project Hveragerði, Icelancl. Conference on New Sources of Energy, Rome (1961). Karlsson, Th.: Drilling for natural steam and hot zuater in Iceland. Conference on New Sources of Energy, Rome 1961). Sigurdsson, H.: Reykjavili Municipal District Heating Service and its experience in utilizing geothermal energy for domestic heating. Conference on New Sources of Energy Rome (1961). PAPERS ON CONFERENCE AGENDA ITEM II.A.3. Title of Paþer „Salt production by geothermal energy in Japan“ G/27 „The cxtraction of salt from sea water by multiplc effect evaporators using natural stearn" G/32 ,,Green-houses by geothermal heating in Iceland“ G/37 „Production and distribution of natural hcat for domcstic and industrial heating in Iceland“ G/39 „Utilisation de l’énergie géothermique pour la production de l’acide borique et des sous- produits contenus dans les „soffioni“ de Larderello" G/45 „Reykjavik Municipal District Heating Ser- vice and its experience in utilizing geo- thermal energy for domestic heating" G/52 „Recent developments in New Zealand in the utilization of geothermal energy for hcating purposes“ G/56 „The recovery of lithium and other mine- rals from geothermal water at Wairakei“ G/59 „Geothermal heathing for industrial pur- poses in Iceland“ G/63 „Problémes techniques et économiques sou- levés par la présence d’impurctés chimiques dans les fluides d’origine géothermique“ Nanie(s) Y. Mizutani B. Lindal B. Lindal G. Bodvarsson and J. Zoéga D. Lenzi H. Sigurdsson R. Kerr P. Bangma W. Cooke F. Furness and G. Vamos M. Kcnnedy B. Lindal C. Garbato 55
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