
Jökull - 01.12.1968, Síða 29

Jökull - 01.12.1968, Síða 29
In some cases, e.g. deep and slow-flowing rivers, it is unlikely that the variation of T with z can be neglected and eq. (9), (or (11)), must be used. It is even possible that the dif- fusion in the x-direction must be taken into account but experiments are necessary to see whether eq. (9) is adequate to describe the heat transfer in these cases. The logarithmic velocity distribution, (5), is well supported by experi- ments. The diffusion model should be satis- factory for parallel flow but in rivers it is pos- sible that secondary flows or cross currents will have a great effect upon the heat transfer. The assumption of uniform temperature in the y-direction will generally not liold for rivers. At least in swift rivers we can still use eq. (14) with cross-sectional means of the temperature. THE HEAT BALANCE OF RIVERS The factors that govern the heat balance of rivers are: a) Heat exchange with the atmosphere. b) Heat exchange with the river bed. c) Groundwater movement. d) Frictional heating. The first term is the most important and it will be discussed in some detail. It can be shown (Devik 1931) that the heat exchange with the bed is generally very small compared to the heat exchange at the surface. Inflow of groundwater has a very marked effect upon the heat balance and ice conditions of many Ice- landic rivers but presumably this is rather rare elsewhere. Frorn the fact that 1 kcal equals 427 kpm it follows that frictional heating is very sniall compared to the heat exchange with the atmosphere. If the river is ice covered the heat exchange with the atmosphere is reduced ancl the other terms may then be prevailing. HEAT EXCHANGE VVITH THE ATMOSPHERE The factors that affect the lteat exchange between a water surface ancl the atmosphere are the following: Radiation (solar and terrestrial). Evaporation. Convection. Precipitation. In some cases floating ice or other changes in the state of the surface must also be taken into account. The first three factors are the most import- ant and will be discussed in sorne detail. As we are concerned with ice problems we will denote the heat exchange as heat loss from the water surface. Radiation VVith reference to wavelength and origin radiation is divided into solar radiation ancl terrestrial radiation (Haltiner and Martin 1957). Solar radiation is in the wavelength range 0.15 to 4.0 p. Approximately 99% of the sun’s radiation is contained in this wave- length range. Insolation is the flux of solar radiation received on a horizontal surface. The solar radiation is divided into direct and scattered or diffuse radiation. Terrestrial radiation is the radiation emitt- ed by the earth and the atmosphere. The major portion of this radiation lies within the infrared wavelength range 4.0 to 80 p. The absorption and reflection of water is quite different for solar radiation and terrestrial radiation (Devik 1931). Of the solar radiation a certain portion, de- pending upon the altitude of the sun and the condition of the surface, is reflected from the water and the rest penetrates the water and is mostly absorbed there or at the bottom. Water is practically opaque to terrestrial radiation. Only a very thin film at the suríace emits radiation and the back radiation from the atmosphere is absorbed in this same water film. Solar radiation Where observations of solar radiation are not available from a nearby location one is thrown upon empiricial formulas for estimation. There are numerous such formulas, see for instance Budyko (1956) and Berliand (1960). The most common expressions are of the form G = G0 (a + bNm) JÖKULL 18. ÁR 363
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