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Jökull - 01.12.1968, Qupperneq 66

Jökull - 01.12.1968, Qupperneq 66
7. mynd. Leiðangursmenn, að ljósmyndara undanskildum, í gíg sunnan Þröskulds. The expedition members posirig for the cameraman in a recent crater. Ljósm. Hjálmar R. Bárðarson, 14. júní 1968. Það er trúa mín, að vegna þátttöku eðlis- fræðinganna i þessum leiðangri og rannsókna- starfs þeirra muni leiðangurinn síðar verða tal- inn í tölu þeirra, er markað hafa þáttaskil í þekkingu okkar á Vatnajökli og vera að því leyti sambærilegur við leiðangrana 1936 og 1951. Með sænsk-íslenzka leiðangrinum 1936 og framhaldi hans næstu tvö sumur var lagður grundvöllur að þekkingu okkar á hag (regime) Vatnajökuls. íslenzk-franski leiðangurinn 1951 mældi þykkt jökulsins á ijölmörgum stöðum, en í leiðangrinum 1968 var í fyrsta sinn beitt ísótóparannsóknum til könnunar eðlis og ástands vors mesta jökuls. S U M M A R Y THE VATNAJÖKULL EXPEDITION JUNE 1-14, 1968 S. Thorarinsson This expedition was arranged jointly by the Iceland Glaciological Society and the Division 400 JÖKULL 18. ÁR of Physics of the Science Institute, University of Iceland. Its main aim was to sample firn ancl ice from pits and drillholes at various places on Central and Northern Vatnajökull for determination of their deuterium and tri- tium content. This work was carried out by Bragi Árnason ancl Páll Theodórsson with the assistance of K. Benediktsson ancl members o£ the Iceland Glaciological Society. Main leader was S. Tliorarinsson ancl navigator Carl J. Ei- ríksson. Participants were 14 itl all. Fig. 2 shows the route on Vatnajökull and the situation of the places where samples were taken besides the thickness of the winter accu- mulation 1967/68 (in cm) and its watervalue (in mm). Levelling of the line Grídarhorn-Depill in the Grímsvötn Caldera was carried out as usual. Between June 16, 1967 and June 6, 1968 the water level in the caldera had risen nearly 14 m, or on average 3.9 mm/day. Mention is made of a big solfatara whicli was first observed in the Kverkfjöll solfatara area on May 24, 1968 (Fig. 5). Á
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