
Jökull - 01.12.1973, Blaðsíða 23

Jökull - 01.12.1973, Blaðsíða 23
T= 0 -----X/2 T = T0 or dT/dz = 0 Fig- 1. Two dimensional convection cell model. where c is the specific heat at constant pressure. The heat transport equation (2) has been simpli- fied so that it involves only the vertical com- ponent of the convective heat transport uzy3- The horizontal convective heat transport terms contained in (5) have been neglected. Tlie resulting linearized Rayleigh model is physically quite simple. Laminar viscous fluid wrculation is driven by a pressure gradient re- sulting from the thermal expansion of the fluid. Heat is transported vertically by conduction and convection, but thermal conduction is the °nly mode of horizontal heat transfer. In this light, we consider the model of a two-dimensional convection cell of wavelength X depicted in Fig. i. The homogeneous fluid ls confined between rigid horizontal planes separated by a distance h with tlie upper sur- face maintained at T = 0. The walls of the cell are assumed rigid and thermally insulated. It is further assumed that horizontal heat con- duction can be neglected and that the flow takes place around rigid, thermally insulating cores. This assumption simplifies the calcula- tions considerably and does not seriously alter the convection process. Two different condi- tions will be used at the lower boundary of the cell. If the fluid is heated from below, the condition at the lower surface is T = 'I’o- If the fluid is internally heated, the condition of zero heat flux, dT/dz = 0, is employed. The model in Fig. 1 is shown again in Fig. 2. The flow is assumed to circulate around the core through a channel of width t- Clearly, the stability problem presented here is of the same nature as the Rayleigh problem. Convection will not occur unless a certain critical temperature difference between the upflowing and the downflowing sections can be maintained in order to provide the required buoyancy forces. The essential difference between a two-dimen- sional Rayleigh model of fixed wavelength and the present model lies in the neglecting of the horizontal heat conduction. Mathematically, the term 32T' / 3x2 has been dropped from the perturbation equation (2). To arrive at the strip model we now make the further simplification that the convective flow is uniform about the core and the flow velocity is constant over the width t- The work- ing model for calculating the temperature then becomes that shown in Fig. 3. The cell has been cut along the dotted line (Fig. 2), and the flow channel has been stretched out as a strip. The bottom of the channel has been folded into the plane x = L/2. Fleat losses through the upper surface of the cell now place through the ends of the strip. The problem then reduces to that of determining the tem- perature distribution in a strip of length L and width t- The ends of the strip are held at T = 0; there are no heat losses through the rigid horizontal surfaces and the flow is uni- form in the x direction. For a fluid heated from below, the condition T = To exists at T = 0 X/2 T = T0 or dT/dz = 0 Fig. 2. Equivalent convection model. JÖKULL 23. ÁR 21
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