
Jökull - 01.12.1978, Síða 25

Jökull - 01.12.1978, Síða 25
Fig. 4. The relative distribution of stones and boulders on the surface of Raudhóla- sandur. Mynd 4. Hlutfallsleg þekja hnullunga og .stór- grýtis á Rauðhólasandi. Miklafell an ice thickness of 300—400 m is inferred. The question rises whether the jökulhlaup at Raudhólasandur was caused by the Miklafell eruption. Fig. 7 shows a topo- graphic profile from Raudhólasandur to Miklafell, and profiles of some Vatnajökull outlets, supposed to be similar to the retreat- ing Lateglacial ice in this area. About 20 km Fig. 5. The proportion of basaltic and hya- loclastite boulders on the surface of Raud- hólasandur. Mynd 5. Hlutfall basalt- og móbergsstórgrýtis á yfirborði Rauðhólasands. from the margin, the Vatnajökull outlets have become 300—600 m thick. This may support the hypothesis that the Raudhólasandur and Miklafell were synchronous. No direct continuation of marginal deposits can be seen towards west or southwest from Raudhólasandur. Glacial striae show that the ice front was lying somewhere between Raudhólar and Raudafell, and to the north of Ásbjarnarhnjúkur (Fig. 1). Remnants of a distinct end moraine were found to the west of the river Vestari-Jökulsá. The material in the ridges is rather fine grained till with almost no boulders. There is no reason to doubt that JÖKULL 28. ÁR 23
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