
Jökull - 01.12.1978, Síða 26

Jökull - 01.12.1978, Síða 26
GRAIN $IZt IN mm Fig. 6. Grain-size cur- ves of fluvioglacial sedi- ments from Raudhóla- sandur. The numbers show sample locations. Mynd 6. Kornastœrðar- greiningar á jökulárseti frá Rauðhólasandi. Tölurnar sýna sýnistökustaði. these ridges and Raudhólasandur are of similar or the same age. About 4 km to the east of Raudhólasandur a broad and low moraine ridge can be fol- lowed almost continuously in a northeasterly direction to Austurdalur, and still further on the other side of the valley where it is found as a complex of ridges. The westernmost part of the ridge consists of rather fine grained hard till, but farther east it becomes richer in gravel and stones. East of Reydarvatn big boulders are common in the ridges. In view of the direction of the glacial striae south of Bleik- áluháls (Fig. 1) there is no doubt that Raud- hólasandur and these ridges are synchronous. from Illvidrahnjúkar along Austari-Jökulsá to the point where the river turns to the north (Fig. 1). It is less than 10—12 m broad and 4—5 m high. The till is very rich in stones and boulders, and in some placés it consists almost only of large boulders resembling a giant stone fence (Fig. 8). The fine material has been washed or blown away. About 200—300 m inside the Vesturbugur moraine some elongated heaps of coarse till run parallel to the moraine ridge. The heaps are most likely remnants of another end moraine. Indistinct end moraine stumps can be seen in the valley between Langihryggur and 111- The Vesturbugur moraine In Vesturbugur a small but very prominent end moraine runs parallel to Austari-Jökulsá. This ridge can be traced over nearly 5 km, m a.s.l. Fig. 7. A topographic profile from Raudhólasandur to Miklafell, compared to profiles of two Vatnajökull outlet glaciers. See the text for further explanation. Explana- tions: 1. Basalt. 2. Hyaloclas- tite. 3. Fluvioglacial sedi- ments. Mynd 7. Snið frá Rauðhólasandi til Miklafells ásamt langsniðum Dyngjujökuls og Brúarjökuls sem eru flatir og breiðir eins og hinn hörfandi meginjökull er talinn hafa verið á þessum slóðum. Líkur eru á því að jökulhlauþið sem myndaði Rauðhólasand hafi stafað af gosi í Miklafelli. Skýringar: 1. Basalt. 2. Móberg. 3. Jökulárset. 24 JÖKULL 28. ÁR
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