
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1978, Qupperneq 27

Jökull - 01.12.1978, Qupperneq 27
Fig. 8. The Vesturbugur end moraine which in this area con- sists almost entirely of stones and boulders. View towards south. Glacier movement from left. Mynd 8. Vesturbugsjökulgarður- inn. Á þessum stað er garðurinn nœr eingöngu gerður úr steinum, hnull- ungum og jafnvel stórgrýti. Horft til suðurs. Jökullinn kom frá vinstri. vidrahnjúkar. They may be synchronous with the Vesturbugur moraine. No continuation of the Vesturbugur moraine can be found to the east of Austari-Jökulsá. Instead there is a 0.5 km wide belt of heaps of extremely coarse tili, containing boulders and blocks. This belt lies in direct continuation of the Vesturbugur moraine and can be traced to the junction between Austari-Jökulsá and Strangilækur (Fig. 1), where all evidence of this ice front disappears. Fluted surfaces and glacial striae inside the Vesturbugur moraine show that the ice front had a more easterly direction farther east. The Strangilœkur moraines I and II Since end moraines from these substages are very indistinct and cannot be traced over a long distance, they will only be mentioned briefly. They are named after Strangilækur, a small river originating as numerous springs on the plain west of Laugafellshnjúkur, number I being the northernmost one. The Strangi- lækur moraine I consists of a narrow belt of basaltic lava blocks, tracable over 3 km to the northeast from Langihryggur (Fig. 1). The second end moraine is a more prominent, locally double, 2—3 m high ridge. The till is not so coarse as in the first one. Fig. 9. The Miklafell end mo- raine, viewed towards south. Here the end moraine appears as a belt of large boulders. Gla- cier movement from left to right. Mynd 9. Miklafellsgarðurinn. Horft til suðurs. Hér er ekki um eiginlegan garð að rœða heldur belti af stórgrýti og hnullungum. Jökullinn komfrá vinstri. JÖKULL 28. ÁR 25
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